Chapter Nineteen { Shot }

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Sorry I've Been Slacking. I Have A Big Family And For The Holidays, We Go See EVERYBODY. I Traveled Like The Whole Christmas Break And Couldn't Really Write Because I Was Busy. I Promise To Write More Guys. 😘

* * * * * *

A Week Later..

"You need me to come with you?" Makayla asked me.

"Nah, I'm good. I'm just going check on my babies right quick. I miss them and they just got out of school." I said grabbing my keys and walked to the door.

"Alright. Call me if you need me." She said. I nodded walking out the house and to my car.

* * *

I was going over to the house to see the kids. Every day, I go there and spend time with them after they get off from school and daycare.

Your probably wondering why I'm going to the house and not already there, right?

Well, ever since we left Jamaica, I told Christopher to not speak to me until he wants to tell me everything that actually happened. He hasn't brought it up since but tried talking about other stuff, best believe I cut that ass off.

I already know what happened because Vincent told me everything, but I want to hear it from Christopher himself. I just don't understand what's taking him so long to tell me.

I want the guys to also turn themselves in. I don't want to continue to know about this and know that she's dead and they're just living life normally like nothing happened.

I'm surprised cops haven't come around here and questioned any of us.

* * *

I used my key to open the door. When I opened it, I seen the nanny playing with Aubrey. Cj was on the couch on his iPad.

"Hey guys." I said getting their attention.

"MOMMY!!!" Aubrey and Cj screamed running to me.

"Hi my babies!! Did you miss me?" I asked them.

"A lot!" They responded.

"Where's Cam?" I asked them.

"He's wit daddy in the -"

Just then, the elevator opened. Chris walked out with Cameron on his forearm eating a popsicle.

"Mommy!!" He said trying to get down. Chris put him down and he dropped his popsicle running to me. He stopped looking at his popsicle on the floor then started crying.

"Awee, baby come here." I said picking him up. "We'll get you another one." I told him kissing his cheek. Chris picked it up walking to the kitchen.

"Here Bubba," He said handing Cam another popsicle after throwing away the other one. I sat down sitting him in my lap and played in his hair. My youngest baby isn't a baby anymore. He's the terrible two. There was an awfully awkward tension between Chris and I right now. I could feel him watching me. I looked up at him and just what I said, he was looking at me. I looked away and stood to walk out putting Cameron on my hip. "Can I talk to you now?" He asked breaking the silence.

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