Chapter 69 { Akella Tells All..}

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Later That Evening...

"All bills are paid!" I danced walking to the front of the store. People who were shopping laughed and I grinned. I walked over to the counter by Makayla.

"Girl. I don't know but I haven't been feeling myself lately." She said shrugging her shoulders.

"You and ya man been having sex? You might be pregnant." I said.

She smacked her lips, "Yeah, ain't happening right now." She said shaking her head.

"Why not? Alex is 5 now, it's the perfect time! She can be a big sister." I told her.

"Not uh. That's you and No Topper who like to keep having babies back to back." She said pointing at me. I bust out laughing at the name she gave Chris.

"Look, don't y'all about us alright? We're happy with our little family." I said defending myself.

"Hm, speaking of kids, you met Farrah yet?"

"Mhm, she was there this morning. I made them breakfast and everything and tell me why she said her mama's breakfast was better than mine?!"

Makayla mouth dropped and she laughed, "Oh bitch! I know you lying!" She laughed.

"Swear." I said shaking my head. "I don't care, laugh all you want. My babies love my cooking and say it's better than hers. She probably not use to these Louisiana pots that's why." I flipped my hair saying. "Everyone loves my cooking. Specially my breakfast." Makayla laughed shaking her head.

I started walking around the store fixing anything that was out of place. While I was doing that, I seen a familiar face walking through the doors.


She was with her man and some other girl. I looked at Makayla and she was looking at Tori all kinda of weird. I laughed to myself and walked to the front passing them.

"Oh, Teyana right?" Tori asked stopping me.

I nodded turning around, "Yes." I confirmed. "What can I help you with?"

"Um...Where are these jeans? I seen them online and just had to come check them out. Especially since my baby likes them." She smiled at her man and he smirked at her. The girl rolled her eyes walking away.

I honestly don't want to help her ass but I don't want to look like a bitch in front of my other customers

I showed her where the jeans were. "We're on a dale this week. Buy 1, get the other half off." I told her. She nodded looking at the clothes.

"I'll try these on." She grabbed a few pairs then walked to the dressing room.

"Let me or any of my staff know if you guys need help." She nodded. I looked at her boyfriend and he smirked then winked at me. I scrunched my face walking away.

I walked back by Makayla. "Her boyfriend totally just checked me out and winked at me." I told Makayla.

She scrunched her face up as well. "Ew! Don't fuck with him. Probably got her nasty ass shits all over him." She said.

"Who said I was? I have my own man." I flashed my ring and Makayla grinned doing the same. We both laughed.

Just then, the girl who was with Yori and her boyfriend, came to the counter with some shirts and pants. I stood to the side out of their way.

"Is that all?" Makayla asked her ringing her stuff up

"Yea." She said getting out her card. I notice her kept looking at me from the corner of my eye. After Makayla checked her out, she stood by the door waiting for Tori nem must be. "Hey Teyana, can I talk to you real fast?" She asked me.

"Sure. About what?" I asked her.

"Can we go to a food court or something? I don't want to say it here." She said. I nodded following her out the store and to the food court. { Keep In Mind They Have A Few Stores Around Florida And New York, But This Store Is In The Mall }


* * * * *

While we were here at the food I grabbed me another frappe from Starbucks.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked the girl sitting down and put my straw in my cup. I still didn't know her name.

"Well first off, I'm Akella. Tori is my cousin." She started. I nodded. I didn't want to say anything because she might go back and tell Tori. "Reason why I brought you here is because I want to tell you a few things that Tori says/does to your husband." She explained.

I frowned sitting up. She has now catch my full attention. When it comes down to my family, I'm all ears. Especially my marriage.

"To my husband? What does she say?" I asked her.

She looked around making me look around. She turned back to me.

"Before I say this, the reason why I'm telling you this is because Tori has done some hurtful shit to me recently and I'm just tired of her bull so I'm getting her ass back. I hope you whoop her ass." She said and I laughed.

"Girl tell me." I rushed.

She cleared her throat, "Well she said that Christopher is a fake ass rapper and isn't going to ever become something big. Which I totally don't agree with because he already is, you know? Anyways, when she goes to pick up Farrah, she flirts with Christopher sometimes. Now, I don't know what he says back but I know my cousin and she is a pass around so I know she flirts with Chris." She explained.

I nodded looking away. "Mhm," I said.

"And another thing. You might wanna...get ready for this one. It's sorta good news for you and your family though." She said.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"Farrah, is not for Christopher.." She said


To Be Continued...😁

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