Chapter 68 { Early Freaky Man.. }

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The Next Day🌞...

The Next Morning, I woke up to bring the kids to school and to go to work. I made breakfast for everyone as well too. Yes, I did bring clothes for work this morning.

Chris was still in bed from this morning. When we got back here, I had to give him some coochie because he wouldn't let me sleep if I didn't. I'm a little sore but a bitch shook back in that shower.

So that happened.

* * * * * *

"Hurry up guys. We're going to be leaving in a few." I told the kids looking at my Apple Watch. Farrah was still here. She was bussin her food up.

"Mama, are y'all coming to my game today?" Cj asked putting his plate in the sink.

"Of course baby. We never miss a game." I said wiping the corners of his mouth. "Did you brush your teeth?" He nodded.

"Mommy, I'm done!" Aubrey said handing me her plate. Farrah was behind her.

"Did you enjoy it Farrah?" I asked her. I'm trying to build somewhat of a bond with the child since she's going to be around a lot.

"Yes. But, I like my mommy's better." She smiled then ran out the kitchen behind Aubrey. I lowkey felt played.

Cj and Cameron started laughing.

"Good morning my princesses. What's so funny?" Chris said coming in the kitchen.

"Farrah just told mommy that her mommy's food is better than hers!" Cameron repeated and Chris looked at me and laughed.

"Awee my baby.." Chris laughed wrapping his arm around my waist and kissed my forehead. "Don't worry baby, it's not the truth." He said.

"How the hell would you know?" I asked him. He smacked his lips and gave me a look. I rolled my eyes looking away. "Enough of the laughing, let's go. Put your shoes on and meet me in the truck." I told the boys. They walked out the kitchen with their lunch boxes. "Here! Grab your sister's box." Cameron grabbed Aubrey's then walked back out.

I sighed shaking my head and eating my bacon. "My food is better right?" I looked up at Chris.

"Of course. And don't ask me that question like I know what her food taste like. I don't know for your information. It probably good if Farrah is eating it." He shrugged. "I don't care if it is. I love your food." He pecked my lips.

"Thank you. Yours is in the microwave." I told him. He nodded. "We're about to leave. I'll text you on my break." I said putting my plate in the sink. Chris leaned down pecking me multiple times.

"Mmm, you smell so good. I love you." He said.

"Thank you and I love you too." I said.

* * * * * *

"Mommy, come on! We're going to be late!" Aubrey said running back into the house.

"I'm coming baby. Just looking for my phone." She groaned like the diva she is and ran back out the house.

"Gonna have to do something about her little attitude. Next thing you know she's going to be talking back." Chris said putting on his shirt. He was going hit up the studio this morning.

"I know, I know. Hey, have you seen my phone? I can't find it." I asked him. He shook his head. "Where's your phone?" I grabbed it off the counter and dialed my number.

"Where's the kids?"

"In the truck, where else?" I asked. I stayed quiet waiting for a ring. Next thing you know, my phone started ringing. It was really close. Chris started moving a little. I looked down at his pants seeing my flash light go off right by his crotch. I laughed, ending the phone call. "Really Chris?"

"What?" He asked.

"What?" I mocked him. "Give me my phone." I held my hand out.

"I don't know where it is." He started walking to the couch.

"Christopher Smith, I don't have time to play games with you right now. Give me my phone out your pants!" I said getting frustrated.

He ate his last piece of bacon then slid his shorts down showing his Calvin Klein underwear. My phone was inside his briefs right there his penis was.

Typical Freaky Ass Chris..

I cocked my head looking at him, "Give it to me." I said.

"Want it? Grab it." He smirked.

I smacked my lips. "Chris I'm not playing, give me my phone!" I said. He got up running to the stairs. "CHRIS!!" I yelled behind him. The horn of the truck beeped. "CHRIS YOUR MAKING ME LATE!"

I ran into the bedroom seeing him on the bed. "Alright I quit. You want it? Grab it." He said.

I sighed putting my purse down and pulled his briefs down reaching for my phone. Before I could even touch it, Chris pulled me in bed hovering over Me.

"NOOO! Chris move!" I said.

"Come on, I'm horny asf. You might as well gimme sum. I'm already out and you got a skirt on." He smirked.

"No. Ain't happening now move." I slid from under him making him pull me back into his lap. "Chris I swear I will squeeze your dick till you scream like a little bitch if you don't let me go." I warned.

"Damn. At least gimme sum head." He grabbed my breasts. I reached behind me trying to grab his dick. He laughed pushing me off of him. I landed on my feet.

"Yea. That's what I thought. Got me having these kids all late and shit." I said.

"You mad?" He asked following me.

"Shut up." I told him.

I walked out the house getting in the truck and brought the kids to school. After dropping all of them off, I went to Starbucks and get me a nice frappe to go along with my lovely morning.


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