Chapter 42 { So Much At Once.. }

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2 Hours Later...

I sighed looking at my phone and seen nothing from Chris. He hasn't been here for two hours, and I'm starting to get worried. This is not like Chris to be gone for this long without contacting any of us.

"Someone please try calling his phone again. I just need to hear his -"

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Michel opened it and 4 cops came in the room.

"Good evening," They said. "We're here for Vincent Angelo and Devin Smith." They said and looked at Vinny and Devin.

"For what?" Makayla asked holding her arm over his chest preventing them from taking him.

"Ma'am, were just here to do our job. Not to hurt anyone or cause any problem." One of then said.

"Gentlemen, please stand." Another one said.

Devin and Vincent stood up. "What is going on?" Mama Tee asked.

"Vincent Angelo, Devin Smith, your both under arrest for the murder of Yoni Ridge.." One of the cops said as they watched them get handcuffed. They begin reading them their rights as they were wrapping things up.

"No! You can't do that! We have a daughter together! He has to take care of his daughter!" Makayla said.

"I'm sorry ma'am." They said and begin escorting the boys our the room.

"Someone call Valerie and tell her wassup. I don't want her worrying about me." Devin said.

"WHERE IS MY HUSBAND?!" I yelled over everyone. Good thing the kids were sleep and didn't see their uncle and cousin get arrested.

"If your asking about Christopher Smith, which I'm sure you are, he's also in jail. He's been arrested two hours ago for the same reason." He answered. I broke down crying.

I know the dude from last night have everything to do with it.


Makayla begin calming me down handing Alex over to Mama Tee.

"Ma'am, he's in surgery right now. When he heals, trust me he'll be joining them. He's been wanted for a while anyways." They said before leaving out the room.

I just broke down crying. That's why Chris hasn't came or called anyone back because he's sitting in a damn jail cell. I understand that they're getting arrested for Yoni's murder, but it took this long to find them?

"I don't get why they took this long. All that time they had before?" Michael said.

I shook my head and started stroking Aubrey's hair.

"They're going to be looking for him when they wake up. My poor babies." I planted a soft kiss on her cheek and then drunk some of my water.

"Don't worry. Let's just hope they get bond, and we'll go get them. You know that isn't a problem for us." Makayla said. I nodded.

"Anyone called Valerie yet?" Mama Tee asked.

Michael looked at me and Makayla.

"I ain't calling her," I said.

"Me either. I don't even have her number." Makayla said rocking Alex to sleep. "Don't want it either." She added.

"Y'all have to be nice to the girl. She's apart of the family now." Mama Tee laughed saying sitting in Michael's lap.

"No Mama Tee, the baby is apart of the family. Not her." I corrected.

"Aren't her and Devin together though?" Michael asked.

"Devin just cheated on Chris's tour. Those girls, they were for him. I'm sure he haven't told her either because she's still dragging behind him." I explained.

Just then, a phone begin ringing. Mama Tee picked it up looking at the screen.

"Must be the truth," She showed Devin's phone he left and it was Valerie calling. We all laughed. I had to control my laugh a little though because of the pain.

"Nobody gonna answer it?" Makayla asked.

Mama Tee sighed answering the phone and walking out the room.

"What are we going to do now?" Makayla asked sitting down.

"I knew this day was coming, I knew it." I sighed. "He doesn't even know if I'm good or not. I really hope he doesn't have to stay for too long. I know they're going to be gone for some time." I said tearing up again. "I'm going to have to take care of 3 kids by myself." I cried.

"Oh, the doctor must've didn't tell you.." Michael said. I frowned and Makayla glared at him.

"Tell me what? Makayla what is -"

Just then, the door opened. In walked a doctor, followed behind a nurse, followed by Mama Tee holding Alex.

"Teyana, how are you feeling?" The doctor asked.

"I'm doing fine. Doc, I was just told that you didn't tell me something. What was it?" I asked him. Mama Tee looked at Makayla.

"Wasn't me, it was ya man." She said pointing at Michael. The doctor nodded then looked at me.

"Teyana, I'm so sorry, but due to you getting shot to the stomach, you lost your baby that was growing inside you." He said.

My mouth dropped and bits of my heart begin to break.

"W-What.." I whispered. I could barley get my words out right now.

I was pregnant?

I mean, I did have the symptom of the throwing up, but I didn't think I was pregnant again. Now that I'm thinking about it, everything is starting to connect with what Chris has been telling me.

"I..I was pregnant?" I asked looking at my stomach.

"Yes ma'am. You were going to make a month next Monday. We're so sorry for your loss Mrs. Smith." He said.

I laid back and just broke down crying.

This can't be real.

I really just lost a child.

Another child at that.

All because of some jackass that wanted to kill my husband.

This is just so much for me to handle. How am I going to take care of 3 kids on my own after surgery?


I know Chris isn't coming home anytime soon because he got the threat last time he was in jail. I just hope he doesn't get a longer sentence than what it's suppose to be.

I got shot twice in my stomach...

I just found out my husband is now sitting in jail...

I just lost my baby...

I have to take care of 3 small kids on my own...

Lord I'm going to need all the help I can get right now. 😩


Poor Tey. ... 🥵

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