Chapter 65 { Upset }

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[ I Know I Haven't Been Updating The Book, I Apologize. I Had To Take A Little Break Because There Was A Recent Death In The Family..😩 But I'm Back And I'm Going To Try To Finish This Book For Y'all. ]

* * * * * * *

The Next Day..

I woke up about 7 to get up for the bathroom. I went to raise up when I felt Chris's arm still around my waist. I sighed knowing his ass didn't listen when I told him to leave after we were done.

"Chris," I said hitting his arm. He woke up snuggling closer to me and laid his head on my back.

"Come lay back down." He said in his sleep.

"No Chris, it's 7 in the morning and you have to go back to the house with our kids. Now get up. I told yo ass to leave." I told him.

He groaned sitting up, "Who pissed in yo cereal? After I give you sum dick, you go crazy. Fuck is up with that?" He was putting back on his briefs.

"I'm just tired." I said putting my ring back on. I looked at Chris seeing him smiling at me. "What?" I asked adjusting it on my finger.

"It looks beautiful on you." He said grabbing my hand and kissing it. I laughed.

"Stop," I blushed taking it back. He leaned over kissing me.

"I love you, a lot." He said pecking my lips again.

"I love you too." I told him.

"If you really loved me, you would sell this place and come back home to your family." He said hitting me with the pillow.

"I'm still mad about you having another child Chris." I told him. He sighed sitting in the bed putting on his socks.

"Yes Tey, I know." He said.

"Then she's a hoe. How do you even know Farrah is really yours?" I asked him.

He looked at me smacking his lip, "Teyana you know we did a blood test." He said.

"That run down as clinic, how do you know it Was real? Who knows, she could've been fucking the doctor and made his ass say your the dad to get your money." I told him.

"Yea, I highly doubt a doctor would do that."

"Chris you never know. I want to swab her." I told him sitting up on my knees. He looked at me and frowned.

"Swab Farrah? Teyana are damn crazy?" He said standing up. I could tell he was getting upset.

"What you getting upset at me for? I'm just trying to help you! She could be doing this just for the money Christopher! Think about it! Farrah doesn't even look like you or any of the kids!" I told him.

"Teyana just shut the hell up man. You sound dumb ass hell." He said and I cocked my head looking at him put on his shoes.

"Fine. Since I'm so damn dumb, how bout you get out my dumb ass house?!" I yelled.

He laughed, "Man stop playing."

"I'm not playing Christopher, get out!" I shoved him out my bed making him stand.

"Aye man, chill out." He said looking at me.

"GET OUT!" I screamed.

"This how you doing it Teyana?"

"Yup. This how my dumb ass doing it. Bye, get the steppin!" I said pointing to the door. He smacked his lips shaking his head walking out the room. I followed him downstairs and closed the door behind him when he walked out. I rolled my eyes sighing and walked to the kitchen. Honey was sitting at the table on her phone. "Oh, Goodmorning." I said.

"Morning. Is everything okay?" She asked me.

"Oh and Chris? Yea everything's good." I lied and begin making breakfast.

"Really? Cause last night sounded different than what you were sounding this morning.." She said. Knowing she probably heard me and Christopher last night, I stayed quiet. "I'm..I'm sorry Teyana. I didn't mean to -"

"It's fine Honey, don't worry about it." I told her and faked smiled fighting back my tears.

* * * * *

After breakfast, I dropped Cameron off again at his friends house. Honey left to the house to go with her sister somewhere. I told her to be safe and to call me whenever she needed me.

While I stayed home alone, I decided to take this day and just to relax. I fixed me a nice glass of wine and took a early shower dressing in my white lace underwear and bra to match. I grabbed my black silk knee high robe slipping that on. After that, I lotioned my body and then brushed my hair into a somewhat neat cute bun. I was feeling myself looking all sexy. I grabbed my lip gloss taking a few pics posting them to social media.

What? I can't be sexy?

An Hour Later..

"I just need some dick...I just need some love..." I sing along to the song recording myself. I was looking good af right now and been feeling myself all evening.

While relaxing and singing, the doorbell rung. I got up walking downstairs opening the door seeing Chris on the other side.

"We need to -" He looked me up and down a good 3 times. "Damn," He mumbled biting his lip. I laughed closing the robe making him step inside looking down at me. "Why you closing it? You know I love all that." He said trying to take off my robe.

"Chris stop. What are you doing here?" I laughed trying to removed his hands from off of me. I was still upset at his ass from earlier.

"The kids went to this party on my dad's side of the family, and I came see you to apologize about this morning but now, I want to stay over. Where's Cameron?" He smirked.

"He's not here but -"

"And Honey?"

"She's not here either. Chris you don't have to -"

"Take it off," He said taking off his shirts and shoes

"My robe? Hell nahh. This is my time to relax. I've been relaxing all evening and I'm trying it continue it. ALONE!" I said shooing him to the door.

"Mhmm, What you up here sipping? I smell it in your breath." He said. I made my way to the stair case

"Wine. Don't worry about me." I said scrunching my face. "Doing too damn much." I mumbled.

"I'm worrying about yo ass because you are still my damn wife and because you are mine!" He smacked my ass. "Now come on and bring ya ass. We need to talk then I wanna fuck." He walked passed us up the stairs.

I stood there watching him. I not only felt played after him saying that, but I'm also turned the hell on at his aggressiveness.


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