Chapter 76 { Arrested At The Shower.. }

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4 Months Later....

"We want to thank you guys so much for coming out and support our arrival for our babygirl next month! The party isn't over yet so y'all turn up and there's still lots and lots of food in the back. Make sure y'all get plates to go because we won't eat them!" I said into the microphone. Everyone laughed.

Today, was Chris and I's baby shower for baby Alayah. We decided naming her Alayah. Thought it was pretty cute. We've been planning this for months and I'm so glad everything has been coming together perfectly. There's food, family, friends, just amazing.

"Baby, come dance with me." Chris said grabbing my hand.

"Dance? Boy I'm 8 months pregnant and Alayah could actually come at any moment. When I try to do one dance move, she's coming out!"

Chris laughed pecking my cheek, "That's what we got the hospital bag ready in the trunk for. Now come on." I sighed getting up and followed Chris to the dance floor.

We were dancing and laughing, goofing off as always. Next thing you know, the music went off. We looked at the Dj seeing 3 cops next to him. One had a mic in his hand. He held his hand up and we all looked at them quieting down.

"We're sorry for the interruption. We're just looking for Christopher Smith. Mr. Smith, please come down to the front." I looked at Chris and he looked at me.

He kissed my lips then my stomach. "Chris.." I said watching him leave me and begin walking through the crowd. I followed.

When he got to the front, the cops gave the dj the microphone back. I stood next to Chris holding onto his arm.

"What seems to be the problem?" He asked them.

"Christopher, your under arrest for the murder of Gabriel Dar." They begin turning him around. I couldn't really do anything but cry because for one, he did kill Tori's boyfriend, and two, because I pregnant and it won't do anything but possibly make me end up spending the night in jail. All I did was watch and cry.

"Baby, I love you. Hold it down with the fam. I'm going to be there for Layah's birth. I promise." He said as they locked him up wit the handcudfs.

"I love you too.." I said back. Everyone watched as they escorted Chris out the hall. I begin following, but Devon held me back.

"Don't do it lil sis, it's not worth it. He's going to be home. We got this. We're just going to bail him out, and he's going to be here for my niece." He said. I continue to cry laying my head in his chest and he hugged me.


Why now?

They had months to arrest Chris. He hasn't been hiding! He's been going on numerous of shows and concerts! It's not like he was running because he wasn't.

I just need him home for our kids. I don't want him to miss the birth of our babygirl.

This is all Tori's fault. I know she has something to definitely to do with this. She probably gave the cops my husband's name and wants him to be put in jail. When I have Alayah, it's on and poppin for her ass. Ima have to pay her a little visit for myself.

It's not even Chris's fault. He kicked me in my stomach! And I got shot! If she thinks this is over with, she got another thing coming. I'll just lie and say she shot me and get her ass behind bars.

* * * * * * * *

"Let's start picking this stuff up. The party doesn't even feel the same anymore without him here. PARTY IS OVER, GET THE HELL OUT!" I yelled getting out of Devon's arms and stormed off to the truck.

I'm not only hurt, but I'm pissed that this has to happen on the night of our shower. This is so embarrassing. It'll be a matter of minutes or hours before this shit gets to the shade room page and goes viral.


"I got a question..." I said as we arrived at the station.

"What?" They asked stopping me in my tracks as they took me out the back of the car.

"Why are y'all just arresting me now? It's been months since this happened, and y'all doing this now?" I asked the both.

They both shrugged, "We're just doing our job." One of them said. He then looked at the other cop. "Take him inside, I'm going to the bathroom." The other cop nodded. He looked younger than the other cop. The older cop looked about 50-60 years old but this one he was leaving me with looked about 30-40 years old.

"Alright let's go," He begin pulling me but I held back.

"You know something.." I told him looking him dead in the eyes.


"Don't play dumb. I know you not a dumb cop.You know something." I repeated myself.

He sighed looking around then back at me. "Alright look, I'm only going to tell you this because your stepdad is my best friend," He said and I looked away trying to play that in my head quickly. "The chick called the cops forcing charges upon you. She's not that smart though because she didn't give us anything but a name. Couldn't explain shit. But, they wanted us to come arrest you anyway." He explained more.

"Man this some bull! I got a child that could come at any minute!" I yelled shaking my head thinking about my family.

He stayed quiet and we begin walking. "Listen, don't tell nobody I'm doing this but I'll help you alright?" I looked at him.

"This some kind of joke? You trynna punk me man? What you got something recoding me?" I asked him.

"No Christopher, I'm being deadass right now. I know what you going through and you got a family man. Let me help you. I might get fired after, but I don't care."  He said. I looked away then back at him.

"Aight bruh."

-{ TORI POV }-

"Chris is going to jail. What now?" My cousin asked.

"We'll wait for a good week. Heard Teyana is about to have their baby. Maybe we should pay her a little visit and shake her shit up." I smirked.

"Let her have her baby first at least! You always trynna -"

"Look I don't need you telling me what I do because I already know! It's my decision! Do you want to help or not Akella!?!"

Some of y'all might've thought Akella was dead.

She actually survived. She needed somewhere to stay and I took her ass in. She couldn't do anything about it because she could barely move. She was on crutches and an arm cast. I beat her ass for switching up on me and wen she got to move around , I made her do shit for me. She's like my little slave you could say.

"Okay, I'll help.."


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