Chapter 24 { Going In }

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Later That Evening....

I had already explained everything to my mama. She was scared, so she brought Michael. This nigga looks hard. He also invited about 8 of his people to help us. So once we all got back to Devin's house, he explained the plan.

* * * * *

"Y'all ready?" Devin asked everybody. We was in a van. Had a total of about 26 people in here.

"Alright, Chris you and Mama go in first. Mike, if you want, you can go too. While y'all discussing that, everybody else gon try to move in from the back and kill whoever else in that bitch. Then, it'll be easier to get Lawrence and take him." Devin explained to everyone.

"Wait, take him? Take him where?"

"We taking him back to the old trap house and putting him in the basement. I need to get some shit off my chest with his ass."

"Hold up. Change of plans, Devin, this is too dangerous for you. I don't want you going in there." Mama said.

"Dangerous? Mama I'm grown!" He said, making everyone laugh. When really, Mama was serious.

"You also just got out the damn hospital Devin! You stay in here! We'll come out. And you can do whatever when you get to the trap or whatever when he's not armed or can hurt you again." She fussed.

He groaned sitting down, "Damn man.." He mumbled.

"I'm sorry, you said something?"

"Mama...." He said. Everyone laughed.

"Alright, lets go." Vincent said getting up.

* * * * *

I knocked on the door. Seconds later, a kid opened the door. "Hi!" She smiled. She looked about 4 or 5 years old.

"Hi, is your daddy home?" I asked her.

"Be right back."She said running off.

I sighed, "Shit! What we gon do now?" I turned back asking Vincent, my mama, and Michael. We were the only ones going inside while everybody else was going around.

Mama sighed. "is that the child you were talking about?" Mama asked.

"Shit, prolly.." i said shrugging.

We heard a door slam and then my dad came to the door. Behind him was two dudes with Ak47s pointing at us.

"Glad you made it. Come in.." He said. We walked inside following him to this private room. "You can go, I just need Theresa.." He said stopping us behind my mama.

"Man no. I need to -"

"Chris, don't worry about it. I'll be fine." She said holding my hand. I nodded hugging and kissing her.

"Be safe." I told her.

"And if he tries anything, yell and we coming in." Michael said.

Lawrence laughed. "Boyfriend? Cute." He said before closing the door. One of the dudes went in with my mom and dad and the other stayed out watching us. I sighed waiting.

I took out my phone updating Devin and shit and told him that there was a child in the house that could potentially be our little sister so they had to be careful now.


"Damn man! Mama really doing that down bad!" I cursed. "Alright.. change of plans y'all." I said looking back at everyone else in the van. "So there is a -"

My phone started ringing. I grabbed it out my pocket seeing Valerie calling me. I sighed answering.

"Hello.." I answered.

"Baby where are you?" She asked me.

"I'm uh .. out with Chris and Vincent, why?" I lied.

"I miss you baee. Can you come home?"

I sighed, "Baby I cant right now. We -"

"I'll suck your dick for an hour and we'll have sex." She said cutting me off. That shit made my dick jump in my pants.

"I'll try to work something out in like an hour or two." I said.

"An hour or two? Nigga what!? What is it that's so important that y'all doing?" She fussed.

I didn't feel like arguing so I just ended the call and muted the calls.

"Baby mama problems.." I said putting my phone away and went back to explaining the plan.


I walked in the house seeing the nanny bringing sleeping Aubrey upstairs. I frowned. I closed the door then put my things in the room. Chris wasn't even here. After taking off my work clothes and heels, I got into the shower then slipped into some shorts and sports bra. Were both women here.

I sprayed some Jimmy Choo perfume that Mama Tee brought me then walked out the room. I made my way downstairs seeing Lisa gathering her stuff.

"Hey. Did Chris come home today?" I asked her.

"Yeah he told me he had something to handle and that he was going to pay me double since this is my off day." She smiled.

"Where did he go?" She shrugged.

"He was on the phone and I heard him say something about going somewhere tonight." She explained.

I nodded. "Okay thanks. You have a good night." I said paying her right now because I know Chris will be home later.

"Thank you." She smiled taking the cash. "Have a good night." I nodded closing the door and locking it behind her.

I walked upstairs checking on the kids then went back downstairs making dinner. I texted Chris asking him where he was then I called Makayla on FaceTime.

"Hey girl." She answered.

"Hey, is Vincent there?" I asked her grabbing some pots.

"No.. they left like 3 hours ago. Chris isn't there either?"

"Nope. And I don't know where he is. He isn't answering anything and it's making me mad." I said rolling my eyes.

Makayla laughed, "Same here. Especially with me being pregnant and Vincent knows I can go in at any time. This nurse here boring as shit." She said and I laughed shaking my head.

"Well talk to me."

I don't know where the hell Chris is but he's in for a rude awakening when he gets back.


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