Chapter 60 { Late Night Help.. }

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"Um, can you tuck me in?" Farrah asked coming into my bedroom with her pillow and teddy bear.

"Yea babygirl, come on." We walked to her bedroom. She crawled inside and I tucked her in. I kissed her forehead and she grinned. "So, how do you like your new brothers and sister?" I asked her.

"They're cool. But Cameron, he doesn't talk to me as much." She said looking at her teddy. "I don't know why. But Aubrey, she's my favorite." She smiled and I grinned. I knew that was a hit when they first seen each other. I can see now, she's going to following in Aubrey's footsteps

"Don't worry, we're going to work on Cameron. As long as your happy, I'm happy. Now get your rest princess. Had a long day." I stood up kissing her forehead. She yawned turning over to her side. I turned off the lamp and closed the door. I groaned checking on all the kids making sure they were sleeping.

When I got to Cam's room, it was empty. I forgot he really went with Teyana. I was planning on keeping them longer, but he wanted to leave. I know the jealously thing is going to be a problem. This is probably only the beginning of it too.

After showering, I laid in the bed listening to some beats and whatnot. After that, I decided to take a little break and FaceTime Teyana. I wanted to tell Cameron goodnight and I wanted to see what she up to. Teyana and I may be on a little "break", but that doesn't stop me from checking on her and shit.

She's still my wife, that's still all mine, and she still belongs to me, period.

* * * * *

"Chris, why are you calling me? You know I'm about to go to bed." She said answering the FaceTime call. She was getting in her bed I'm guessing. I hate this separation thing between us and I don't like it at all. I don't know why Teyana is playing right now knowing she want me all over her.

"I wanted to check on you and Cameron. Where is he?" I asked her.

"I just laid him down," she turned camera and Cameron was sleeping next to her. "My baby boy."

"Here you go babying him and shit." I said and she laughed flipping the camera back over to her.

"Well, you checked on him. I'm going to bed, goodnight." 

"Wait, wait!!"I said stopping her. She looked at me. "Lemme see sum," I told her smirking.

"See sum what? If you think you bouta see this, ya got another thing coming."

I smacked my lips. "Teyana, I'm hornyy as hell, and you playing. Just do a lil sum sum." I told her stroking myself.

"Go to w porn site, goodnight." With that, she hung up. I groaned searching up a porn site.

See the old me would've been let out the house and went fuck some broad but I'm not like that anymore. I'm trynna get my woman back but she keep fucking playing.

* * * * *
4:30 AM....

I was sleeping peacefully when Cameron begin shaking me. I jumped up.

"What?! I'm up!" I said.

"Mommy somebody's banging at the -"


Someone banged on the door downstairs. I frowned getting out the bed and looked out the window but didn't see anyone's car.

"Stay up here. If I scream, call 911." I told Cameron. He nodded holding onto the pillow he was sleeping on. I grabbed my bat and jogged downstairs.

"Please Teyana, open the door!" A woman screamed. I frowned looking opening the door seeing Honey on the other side. She closed the door shut and then jumped on me crying. She smelled horrible and her clothes were barely on her. They were dirty and ripped.

"Honey, what happened?" I asked her helping her up. We sat at the island. When I turned on the little lamp to look her at her, she looked away crying. She had a black eye and a busted lip. Looking at her neck, there were handprints as if someone was choking her. She's a light skin so they were hella visible. "Honey, who did this to you?" I asked her.

"My girlfriend.." She whispered. "She came home drunk, I found out she cheated on me and started yelling and screaming at her and she just started beating me up. Then she called his boys up to the room and they..they raped me.." She cried.

"Omg," I said. I pulled her into my arms and she held on tight bawling. "I am so sorry." I told her. I forgot she was married to a stud. Who would've known they were that damn strong.

"I ran Teyana. I ran for 3 hours straight. I didn't know where I was going but I ran. Then I thought about your house and ran here which was another hour." She went on.

"It's okay, it's okay. Your here now." I told her wiping her eyes.

"Tey, I don't want to go back there. I can't." She cried.

"Don't worry, your safe here. Your not going back." I told her. 

"Tey, what if she finds me? She has so many different cars if we're out somewhere, I don't know, she may find me!" She cried. "I don't want to go back." She cried.

"Don't worry about her ass Honey. Your going to stay here with me for now on. We're going to make sure he doesn't try anything. I have security all the time, your fine." I told her. She nodded sniffing.

"Thank you so much. Your a good friend." She said.

"Hey, that's what friends are for. Glad I showed you my home."

"Yeah, otherwise, I don't know where I would've gone."  She said.

"Alright well, I have some clothes upstairs I'm sure you can fit, come on." We walked upstairs to the bedroom. I walked in my room and Cameron was knocked out cold.

"He's so adorable," She whispered. I smiled and went to my walk in closet. I grabbed her some underwear and some night clothes to wear

"Here you go. You can go to the room right across from here and take a shower." I told her. "Let me know if you need anything." I said. She nodded and hugged me tightly.

"Thank you so much Teyana." She said.

"Your welcome." I told her. She walked out the bedroom and I closed the door behind her. I sighed changing my clothes and got back in bed with Cameron. He woke up looking at me and snuggled close to me. I kissed his forehead and turned off the lamp.


Poor Honey..

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