Chapter 61 { Day Out.. }

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The Next Morning....

Knock Knock Knock

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Knock Knock Knock..

I got up out the bed fixing my shorts. I walked out of the room seeing Teyana's door still closed.

Knock Knock Knock..

I opened her door seeing her and Cameron still sleeping. I closed the door and went downstairs. I opened the door and froze seeing my "wife",Blue.

"Bitch you thought you was safe?! I told you, I will find you!" She said. I jumped back and she pushed me back onto the floor. She pulled out her gun aiming it at my head.

I started crying and my heart started beating rapidly.

"Blue please, don't!" I begged her.

"Everything I fucking did for you! EVERYTHING! And you wanna run away like i wouldn't find yo ass?" She grabbed my hair and spit in my face. "Say your prayers bitch." She took the safety off and stared at me.

I closed my eyes preparing for the worst.

"ST -"

POW! 💥

* * * * *

"Ahhhh!" I jumped up screaming and punching the air.

"HONEY, HONEY!" I opened my eyes seeing Teyana standing over me. I calmed down and begin crying. She got in the bed with me and I laid my head on the chest. I cried for a good 5 minutes while she held me and rubbed my back.

"I can't sleep at night Teyana." I told her.

"I know, I know. You've been screaming all night." She said. I sniffed looking out the window at the sky.

"I had a dream she came here and she shot me in the head." I explained to her.

"It was just a dream, it'll never really happen." She told me. "I promise, your safe here." She said. I nodded. "Wanna come help make breakfast?"

I sat up nodding, "Yeah, I'm pretty hungry."


I pulled out a knife and turned around

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I pulled out a knife and turned around.

"Omg!" Honey screamed flinching. I didn't know she was behind me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to -" 

"No, your fine." She said.

"Mommy," Cameron came into the kitchen sitting at the island rubbing his eyes.

"Goodmorning baby. How did you sleep?" I asked him kissing his cheek.

"Good." He looked at Honey. "What happened?" He asked her.

Honey looked at me hesitating to say something.

"Um..:Honey got in a fight last night. But don't worry, she won." I said and Cameron nodded.

"Was that you knocking last night?" He asked her.

"Yea it was, I'm sorry."

"Honey is going to be staying with us for a while. Is that okay?" I asked Cameron. He nodded.

"It's okay with me," He said and we laughed.

* * * * *

"You be good okay? I better not get a phone call from Ms. Debby saying you were being bad, you hear me?"

Cam nodded watching his friends go up the stairs, "Now can I go now?" He dragged. I laughed.

"Yea baby, have fun. I love you, give me my kiss." He turned his head quickly pecking my lips then ran off.

I shook my head standing and pulling up my jeans.

"They grow up so fast." Debby said.

I'm dropping Cam off at one of his friends' house while Honey and I go to the mall. The child's mother, Debby didn't have a problem with it and agreed to allow the boys to have a play date.

"Yea. They do. If you need anything, just let me know. I shouldn't be more than a few hours." I told her.

"Oh no, take your time. They're not bad kids." She said following me out the door.

"Don't let Cameron fool you." We both laughed and I walked to my G Wagon getting inside. Honey was applying make up to her neck to hide the handprints.

* * * * *

We walked inside the mall and headed to my favorite store, Antique. (Not A Real Store)

"Uggh, I have to start all over from scratch. From clothes, to shoes, to jewelry, to make up, and to a brand new phone." She said.

"Where's your phone?" I asked her. I just realized she didn't have a phone.

"I wasn't taking it with me Teyana! She has a tracking device on it and if I would've taken it, she would've immediately found me." She said and I nodded understanding.

"Don't worry, we'll fix all of that today." I told her. She literally has nothing but the clothes on her back right now. I don't mind helping her right now either cause she really needs it. Plus it won't be nothing but a couple thousand dollars. Chris and I share bank accounts. What we spend, always goes to our phone.

"Thank you so much. I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart."

"Honey for the 100th time, your welcome girl." I said and we laughed. "Since this is a public place, the first thing we should do is get your hair done. This blue hairstyle, have to go. You don't want to be spotted. Ya want to look different just Incase we actually see your ex or people see you and the word is going to get back to her who your with and where you are." I told her playing in her curly hair.

"Yea, your right about that. Can I wear this?" She asked pointing to my hat. I nodded taking it off giving it to her. It looked good on her. Good thing a bitch always keeps her hair done even when she is wearing a hat. I straighten my hair before we left so I'm good over here on my end. 😚

* * * * *

We've been at the mall for two hours and I have to say, shopping with Honey is pretty fun. We use to do this a lot back when we use to be strippers.

"Wanna get some food?" I asked.

"Hell yea." She said.


Teyana So Nice..☺️

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