Chapter Eighteen { The Truth Gets Revealed }

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The Next Morning, I woke up hearing the kids screaming and laughing. I got up walking to the kitchen seeing Chris in the kitchen on the phone.

"Yeah.. I think Devin will come get the kids and I'll go down to the beach with Teyana probably and we'll make sure everything is straight for later." He said.

I sat at the island eating some fruit. "Mommy, look!" I looked down at Cameron showing me his toy car.

"Ouu, baby you got a new car?" I asked him. He nodded then reached for me to hold him. I sat down picking him up and sat him in my lap.

"Alright that fine.. Yeah today her birthday so I want her to feel comfortable. Don't let her clean up anything. Just let her relax. Matter fact, come to the room and grab some money. Y'all go out and do something till later." He told whoever he was talking to. They exchanged a few more words then ended the call. He sighed sitting down looking at his phone.

"Who's coming get the kids?"

Chris shrugged. "Suppose to be Devin, but he said he coming down to the beach to make sure everything is straight too." He said.

"Chris, this is why I said we should've brought the nanny with us." I groaned shaking my head and kissing Cameron's cheek. "I still want to talk to you.." I said.

He looked at me. "About what?"

"Baby go back in there with your brother and sister." I told Cam putting him down. He whined reaching for my phone. I unlocked it and gave it to him then he ran out the kitchen.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Chris asked putting his phone down giving me his full attention.

"Chris, I know you had sex with me last night to get the argument off my mind. But, I didn't forget." I said fixing my robe around my waist.

He sighed. "Teyana, like I told you before. I don't know shit about -"

"Christopher Smith!" I yelled cutting him off. "You look me in my eyes and tell me that you know absolutely NOTHING about Yoni's death. If you lie to me, I'm leaving this damn island with my children." I said looking him deeply in his eyes. I'm trying to find if he's lying or not.

"Teyana. I don't have shit to do with it." He said.

I have a feeling he has something to do with her death though because Yoni doesn't know anybody out here.

"Alright.. If that's what you say." I said standing and walked to the fridge grabbing a water bottle.

My phone started ringing. I sighed walking to the room grabbing my phone off the bed seeing a text message from Makayla.

Hm, haven't seen this is months. I'm glad we fixed our relationship between each other.

Makayla .. : " You know what happened with Yoni?

Instead of texting back, I called her phone. I walked onto the patio sitting down in the chair. Aubrey then came outside sitting next to me playing on her iPad mini.

"Hey.." Makayla answered.

"Yeah, so what happened?" I asked her. We were on FaceTime.

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