Bruno Bucciarati x Fem Reader (Unexpected Confessions) *Subtle Lime*

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You were awaken by a slit of sunlight just creeping through your curtains. You groaned at the flash of light and turned onto your side to look at your alarm.

Ow my head! You squinted.

"Only 9?" You whispered to yourself.

No sooner than you said that you felt a presence moving on the opposite side of your queen-sized bed. You slowly turned around to find a bare Bruno sleeping peacefully with only his chest exposed from the sheets.

"B-B-BRUNO!" You screeched.

You tumbled out of the bed causing the angelic man to shoot up and peer at you on the side.

"(Y/N)? Are you alright?" He asked concerned.

"I, Uh—"

You were at a loss for words. You were about to say something to him until you noticed that you were also naked. You cheeks turned bright red as you quickly scrambled to pull the fallen blankets around your exposed torso.

"I've already seen everything," He smirked, "No need to hide."

"Wh-What happened?" You said unable to speak properly.

"You don't remember?" He asked.

You quickly shook your head, "Please tell me!"

He laughed playfully and patted the empty side of the bed next to him.

"Come up here and I'll explain."

You had a firm grip on the blanket as you positioned yourself next to him.

"Well to put it in simplest terms, we had sex. You were very drunk and came onto to me. You told me how much you wanted to be with me and one thing lead to another..."

Oh God, I didn't! You thought to yourself, How could I have done this!?

Yes it was true, you had always admired Bruno since you first met him. He was kind, charismatic, hell he was EXTREMELY attractive in your eyes. You could easily remember the first day you met him, the day your life changed forever.

*Flashback to a Month Ago*

You were out grocery shopping for your ill neighbor who also happened to be your tenant. She was in her late 70s and came down with a bad cold and was unable to go out. Seeing that she's done multiple favors for you in the past you couldn't help but do the same for her.

You casually walked down the street clutching your purse tightly to you knowing that the neighborhood you lived in sometimes provided a lot of unwanted attention to young women, especially around your age. After about ten minutes of walking, you finally made it to the grocery store and began grabbing the things your neighbor wanted off the shelves.

As you picked up various items you felt as if someone was watching you nearby. You quickly turned your head left and then right but found no one.

I must be imagining things.

You paid for the groceries and began carrying them back to your apartment. As you did this you felt someone tap your shoulder.

"Excuse me miss."

You turned around to find a man in his mid-30s. He looked worried as if he was looking for something or someone.

"My son! I can't find him anywhere!" He panicked.

You set your bags down and asked the man where the last time he saw his son was. He quickly motioned for you to follow to a dark alley. He pointed behind a dumpster. You went behind it to find no trace of a child being there.

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