Yoshikage Kira x Fem Reader (Just Business)

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Hey everyone sorry for not posting in a bit, just had a lot going on at home. PLUS I'm sick with some kind of stomach virus and have no idea where I could've possibly got it from. I feel super gross, pray for me😭😭😭.

You were leaving the office you worked at. You worked at a well-known corporation but just as a secretary nothing major. You planned to work your way to the top, but you knew it'd take some time and experience to do so.

Your job wasn't super hectic, you were a secretary to Mr. Yoshikage Kira, and he was quite tame, calm even. He didn't talk much, he was reserved and only approached others when he needed something work-related. The other female employees swooned over him whenever he approached or asked something of them, but he never made a flirtatious pass.

Although you tried to keep your thoughts "work-related", you couldn't help but wonder about him. He was definitely handsome, that part was obvious, but you wondered what he was like outside of work. What did he do for fun? What was his favorite food? Did he have a girlfriend?

These questions would swarm your mind at least once a day, but you wouldn't dare ask them...

As you left through the revolving doors, you walked to the edge of the sidewalk. For whatever reason, you didn't look both ways and heard the sound of a car horn blaring from your left. You froze in shock as a large SUV came at full force towards you.

A hand reached for the back of your shirt and pulled you back onto the sidewalk. You breathed a sigh of relief.

"Th-Thank y—"

You froze up once more when you noticed the person who saved your life was none other than Mr. Kira. He stood their expressionless and released your shirt.

"You should learn to pay more attention," He said in a monotone voice, "You're usually not this distracted."

Your eyes widened a bit by Mr. Kira's remark.

He noticed your work ethic...?

Well of course he did, you were the only one who worked directly under him, he had to notice.

You nodded slowly, "R-Right sir, I guess it's just been a long day..."

He watched as you pushed a few strands of hair behind your ear. He seemed to be eyeing your hand movements.

"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow..." You spoke nervously.

He appeared to snap out of his trance, "Of course, see you then."

The two of you parted ways. You could hear your heart beating in your ears from the previous exchange. You didn't normally have the chance to talk to him outside of work, so this came off as a bit of a thrill to you. You turned your head once more to get a glimpse of him as he walked to his car...


You were organizing some papers at your desk for Mr. Kira. These documents were addressed to him by different departments and you had to make sure they were all in chronological order of importance. With the organized stack in hand, you rose from your chair and knocked on his office door.

"Come in," He spoke.

You entered to see the gorgeous blonde at his desk, pen in hand, writing something down. He wore a blue and white vertical striped button up that fit him snug.

Had he been working out?

"...Yes?" He said while looking from his work to you.

"O-Oh, Mr. Kira here are those documents you were waiting on."

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