Hol Horse x Fem Reader (I Will Follow You)

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* Requested by: @joeykun938 *
I never thought to write anything about Hol Horse so I hope this one came out good!  Enjoy! x

You stirred awake from your slumber to find that dawn had arrived. It was fairly early and the sky was still a shade of orange. You sat upright on the edge of the bed and brought your attention to the doors of the balcony.

You felt a gentle breeze enter through the open doors and watched as the curtains swayed. You wrapped yourself up in your silk robe that was on the ground and headed towards the banister and leaned over.

Moments like these were what you enjoyed most. Just waking up and hearing the birds chirping, feeling a gentle breeze touch your skin. It was very therapeutic to you. As you continued to look out into the distance you felt a pair or large hands grab onto your waist.

You smiled without turning around, you knew exactly who it was without even having to turn around.

"Why don't you come back to bed?" He whispered in your ear.

"It's morning already, we have to start the day at some point..."

He scooped you into his arms, "Yeah, but not right now."

It was undeniable that your heart belonged to Hol Horse. You had been seeing him for quite a while and you couldn't be happier.

You always treasured the time you had together because he never stayed with you long. He would tell you that he always had some business to attend to and it would be a long trip until he was back in your arms.

He'd say the same thing just before he left which was, "I'll be back for my favorite girl, don't you worry," and you believed him each time.

Your friends on the other hand weren't buying his excuses. They claimed that there had to be another woman. They figured that Hol was too suave and charismatic with women that he couldn't resist. Of course your heart felt conflicted at times hearing your friends of many years say those things, but your judgement was clouded by your love for him...

Hol carried you back to bed and laid you down next to him. He pulled you close to his bare torso and buried his face in your hair. He was breathing in your sweet scent that he commented on multiple times, he couldn't get enough of it.

"I really don't want to have to leave you again," He sighed.

"I know," You said while closing your eyes, "I hate when you go..."


It was getting closer to the time that Hol had to leave again. You both spent most of your time in bed holding each other. It wasn't until around lunch time that Hol offered to take you out to eat...

You ate your lunch in silence as Hol talked about various subjects. You wanted to actively be apart of the conversation, but your mind was elsewhere.

The thought of him leaving once again crept into
your mind. Of course you remembered what your friends said to you, but you didn't want to believe it.

He wouldn't do something like that would he? He loves me...

The more you thought of it, the more your facial expressions began to show it.

"Is something wrong?" He asked while taking a bite of his sandwich.

"H-Huh? No, no, I'm alright."

You took a sip of your drink.

"You seem off, is there something on your mind?"

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