Wamuu x Fem Reader (Spare My Life)

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* Requested by: My_Chocolate_Surgeon *
Woo a Pillar man oneshot! (Sorry if Wamuu seems a little OCC.) Also a sneak peak of some poetry written by me... Also there is a rapey sorta scene towards the end it's not super bad but just wanted to warn everyone.. Enjoy x

"C'mon," He said while tugging at your arm.

Your body felt limp, you were exhausted by now and all you wanted to do was just be left on the floor to die.

"(Y/N), stand up we have to get out of here!"

The voice you heard came from a man, you struggled to stay awake. You focused on his voice as he dragged your body.

You heard shouting coming from behind the two of you.

"Shit..." He muttered.

You felt the strong arms holding you place you gently on the floor.

"I'm sorry," You heard him say quietly.

You weren't sure if he was apologizing to you or to someone else. Your vision was blurry but you managed to make out the legs of someone standing in front of you as if they were shielding you and two other men in front of him.

A large gust of wind began to form in front of the two of you, it was aimed at the two men. It caused them to fly backwards buying enough time for the person in front of you to pick you up and take off.

"I won't let them hurt you anymore, I promise. I promise I'll take you somewhere where they can never find you..."

Your vision began to turn black as you closed your eyes. You officially passed out...

* A Few Months Earlier *

"There's nothing here," Kars spoke, "There's no point in searching further for the stone."

Esidisi sighed, "We'll find it eventually, I know we're close..."

The village that the Pillar Men invaded had been completely eradicated because them. They slaughtered every human-being down to the last child to find the stone. Kars and Esidisi searched a view more huts, while Wamuu searched through one off in the distance.

He turned over boxes, opened a trunk or two, until he heard shuffling in the back corner. He cautiously approached the corner to seeing a girl cowering in fear. She took hold of a rock next to her and tossed it at him to get him to leave... That girl was you.

Wamuu squatted to your level and ignored the rock as if it were a mere pebble. He looked to your chest. The stone! It hung proudly around your neck.

"I knew it had to be close..." He spoke.

"P-Please..." You begged, "Please don't kill me!"

Wamuu wasn't the type to kill people, he left that to Kars and Esidisi. If he didn't have to, he avoided it.

His fingertips brushed against your soft skin as he took hold of the stone. In one swift motion he ripped the stone from your neck.

"Thank you," He spoke.

He turned to leave but you called out to him.


He stopped at the entrance of the hut, and looked over his shoulder.

"Take me with you... I have nothing left here and it is my duty to watch over the stone regardless of what happens... Please allow me to fulfill my destiny!"

Wamuu sighed, "Trust me, coming with me is not something you would want to do..."

You were terrified of this man you had never met, but you did your best to stand on your shaking legs and grab onto him.

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