Bruno Bucciarati x Fem Reader x Leone Abbacchio (Love Rising)

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* Requested by LovelyLittleLiliac *
This story is being told as if you are the boss's daughter instead of Trish (all characters in this story are of appropriate age etc) this also contains some spoilers if you're only watching the anime. This story is also a bit on the longer side... May or may not right a short separate Bruno and/or Abbacchio ending for the character of your choice! Still working on other requests... Hope you enjoy!

You were trapped on the second floor of an unfamiliar ranch house in an unfamiliar part of Italy. You stared out the window feeling quite bored and wished you had a little more excitement. It was still mid-afternoon and there wasn't a single cloud in the sky. You watched as the weird short boy whom which you twisted his arm earlier drove off to get the things you asked for.

I wish he would've just taken me with him, it's so boring up here...

As you continued to stare out the window there was a soft knock on your door.

"(Y/N)? It's Bruno do you mind if I come in?"

You immediately sat up straight and smoothed out your skirt.

"Come in!"

Bruno entered the room and closed the door behind him.

"How are you holding up? Do you need anything in particular?" He kindly asked.

It didn't take long for you to respond, "Human contact would be nice, just because I'm the boss's daughter doesn't mean you guys all have to walk on eggshells around me."

Bruno chuckled a bit, "Of course."

He took an empty chair from the corner of the room and placed it a few feet in front of where you sat on the bed.

"So what would you like to talk about?" He asked.

You both chatted about various things like hobbies, favorite colors, foods, and even music. You learned that Bruno was actually a lot cooler than you thought he was. You thought that maybe he was some kind of power hungry capo but your mind was persuaded to think otherwise.

"I like you Bruno," You smiled, "Will you come back and talk to me again?"

"Of course," He said while flashing you a handsome smile, "I have to go and check on a few things regarding your father's demands, I'll be back later alright?"

You nodded, you really wished he would've stayed a bit longer.

"It's Abbacchio's turn to watch over you, he'll be outside if you need anything."

Bruno exited the room leaving you all alone once more. You laid down on the stiff mattress and gazed up at the ceiling.

I wonder what my father's doing, is he even excited to see me?

You tossed and turned for a bit on the bed. It was still daylight. If you had to stay in this room any longer you thought you were going to actually go crazy.

You made the decision to hop out of bed and head towards the door. You casually opened it and peaked your head outside to see a tall man with white hair leaning against the wall with his arms folded across his chest.

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