Diego Brando x Fem Reader (A Different View) *Lemon*

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* Requested by: @hisonator *
Hey guys I'm currently on vacation right now which is why I haven't been updating as frequently... I've been writing a bit during my down time.

Diego didn't waste time dwelling on others feelings nor did he feel like he had to. He was very independent, but also seemed to hate humanity for how badly it impacted him growing up. Of course none of which he experienced was his own fault, the scum of humanity was introduced to him at such a young age, one could only imagine the harm it had on his fragile mind.

Aside from the things Diego despised in the world, one person did seem to outshine all the others, and he just couldn't help how he felt.

That person was you.

Diego was introduced to you around his teenage years. You two interacted by accident when Diego was scrounging for food and you were on an outing with your family.

Your family was very posh-like, and very wealthy. Your father was a successful businessman while your mother was a skilled tailor. The two of them worked alongside each other and helped create an empire of a business that stretched far across the United States. You were the one and only heiress to the business (seeing that you were the only child your parents could conceive), so majority of your life was spent being molded into a successful business owner.

On that day, your parents were meeting with a business partner and you were to tag along and learn as much as possible from the interaction. Of course the meeting bored you to death so to buy some time alone, you excused yourself and said you were heading to the restroom.

Instead of going to the restroom you headed outside and decided to walk around the town. You observed the different people around you, you examined their clothes, attitudes, and the way they lived. It was completely different from your own.

As you headed down the street you heard rustling coming from an alleyway. There was a large dumpster and a blonde-haired boy digging through the scraps.

Was this really how people lived? Scrounging for food like this?

You had been so sheltered from it all that you had no idea that people around your age suffered this much to live. You cautiously approached the boy.

"Um... Excuse me?" You said trying to get his attention.

"H-Huh?!" He backed away from the dumpster.

The boy smoothed out his shirt and stood tall once he noticed you. He had thought that it was another shopkeeper trying to shoo him away.

"Look this dumpsters' mine for the taking! Go find your own!" He spoke.

You looked at him puzzled, "I'm not trying to take anything from you, I was just curious..."

"Oh... Well, there's nothing to see here..." He said while sticking his hands in the dumpster once more.

"You're looking for food right?" You said examining his scraps near his feet.

"Yeah," He swiftly replied.

"Well how's about you come with me? I can get you something better than all of that!" You said while pointing at the scraps.

"Oh yeah?" He said sounding interested.

"Yeah c'mon!" You said ushering him to follow.

He figured he had nothing to lose, so he followed after you. You went to a nearby concession stand and picked out two sugary treats for the two of you with some of the money your father gave to you. You handed one to the boy and the two of you sat together on a nearby bench.

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