Hot Pants x Fem Reader (Unexpected)

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* Requested by: @yanderealert *
Kinda an A/U where everything is more modern day rather than the 1800s etc... I apologize if Hot Pants is written a bit out of character... Enjoy! x

"Remember your curfew!" Your father yelled to you.

"I'm twenty-one, I shouldn't have a curfew!" You hollered back while heading out the door.

"You do while you live under my roof!" He shouted as you unlocked your car door.

You rolled your eyes as you sat in the driver's seat. You put your keys in the ignition and brought the car to life.

"Later Dad," You said while rolling down your window.

He waved as you drove off. You queued up a few of your favorite songs on Spotify and tapped the steering wheel to the beat as you drove. You were in a pretty good mood today, one of your closest friends met a new guy and she wanted you to hang out with the both of them so you could see what he was like. From your friend, you heard good things about him, so you hoped he would be a better match than her last boyfriend.

You signaled to turn into the parking lot of the pub your friend suggested and parked. You casually spun your keys on your pointer finger and opened the pub doors. You looked left and then right to find your friend at the bar with her new boy toy.

"Hey!" You said excitedly.


She turned around on her barstool and enclosed you in a hug.

"(Y/N), this is (insert random boy's name)."

"Nice to meet you," He smiled while extending his hand.

"Likewise," You said while shaking it.

You sat on the barstool closest to your friend and ordered yourself a drink.

"Sorry I'm a little late," You apologized, "It took me a while to get out of the house."

"No worries," your friend smiled, "We we're perfectly fine we were just speaking with—"

"Thanks for the drink little brother!" A voice interrupted.

Both you and your friend turned your attention to the pink haired girl messing up your friend's new man's hair.

"Hey c'mon!" He groaned, "I'm on a date HP..."

She rolled her eyes as she took a big swig of her drink.

"Who's that?" You said in a hushed tone.

"That's his sister, Hot Pants." Your friend spoke.

"Really? That's her name?" You asked in disbelief.

"Yup, she apparently has a "real" name but she hates when anyone doesn't call her by her nickname. Only their parents call her by her real name and I think that's why she's grown to hate it..."

"Why? Does she not have a good relationship with her parents?"

"Well... It's really because she's a —"

"Hi!" Hot Pants eagerly spoke when she finally noticed you.


"I'm Hot Pants, you are?"

"I'm (Y/N), I'm (insert friend's name)'s friend."

"Nice! Your friend seems like a good match for my brother, I'm glad they found each other!"

"Same here," You spoke.

Hot Pants moved from the seat next to her brother to the seat next to you.

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