Noriaki Kakyoin (Chibi) x Fem Reader (The Flowers)

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* Requested by @unhkown *

Hey, guys so this is my first attempt at a Chibi x Reader. I'm not entirely sure if I nailed it or not since I'm not used to writing this way. Either way, I hope I did a decent job lol! Art cred to: LikeARollingStar on Deviant Art.

It had been a regular school day, you were walking home with your friend Jotaro and your boyfriend Noriaki. The three of you had been close since you all lived in the same neighborhood.

"Hey (Y/N)," Kakyoin spoke.

"What's up?"

"I made you something earlier in my science class. We went outside to study some of the wildlife and I happened to find these..."

You looked over at Kakyoin as he reached into his bag, he pulled out a crown that was made out of purple lilacs (a symbol of first love).

You immediately blushed as he stopped and held it over your head, it was a perfect fit.

"Yare yare daze..." Jotaro spoke in annoyance as he continued to walk.

The two of you blushed and hurried up behind Jotaro.

"Thank you, I love it!"

Kakyoin smiled a gentle smile at you, "I'm glad."

The truth was you had a crush on Kakyoin ever since you were a kid. It took you a while to tell him how you felt because you were afraid of rejection and you were just too nervous to approach him in that fashion. Around the time you all started high school, Kakyoin was the one to approach you first and told you how he felt. You were overjoyed to know he felt the same.

Jotaro headed towards his house and waved at the two of you while you and Kakyoin walked a bit further to each of your houses. Your house was before Kakyoin's, the two of you stood in front of the gate.

"Thanks again for the present, I'll be sure to wear it tomorrow." You smiled.

Kakyoin tilted his head forward and placed a soft kiss on your lips.

"I'm looking forward to it, see you tomorrow." He said while walking away from you.

"See you then!"


It was the next day, you put on your school uniform and brushed your hair. When everything was all set and in place, you put the flower crown on and headed out the door. You expected to find him waiting outside for you, but you only saw Jotaro.

"He's not coming," Jotaro started, "His parents said he wasn't feeling well."

You frowned, he sounded fine on the phone last night.

"Maybe we should go see him after school," You spoke.

"His parents told me he doesn't want any visitors."

Now, this was becoming more suspicious.

Kakyoin didn't want any visitors?

You turned your attention to Kakyoin's house, you stared at it for a moment until Jotaro snapped you out of your thoughts.

"C'mon, we're going to be late."

You followed after Jotaro, you couldn't help but feel worried about him.


The next few days Kakyoin still wasn't back in school. You were worried about his illness, he hadn't made contact with you for the past few days. You tried to go to his house to see him but his parents turned you away.

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