Dio Brando x Reader (NOT THE PEPSI)

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* Requested by @AdrianeRingmarc *
Hello everyone this one I did kinda quick because I wasn't sure how I wanted to write it. It's a bit of dark humor lol.

*Creds to whoever did this picture lmao*

You couldn't express how much you loved that shit, Pepsi. You drank it at all times of the day, on the bus, in the car, out to eat, everywhere. You assumed by now (with how much you've consumed over the years) your body was now dependent on that sugary carbonated drink.

You were out shopping for groceries one afternoon and hurried to your favorite aisle where the nectar of the Gods was. You pushed your carriage down the aisle and found a guy stocking the absolute hell out of that section.

Your adrenaline was pumping through your veins now as your eyes quickly scanned the individual liters, cans and 6pk of bottles.

What to choose, what to choose...

You couldn't decide on which you preferred more so you selected one of each. As you placed the drinks in your carriage you couldn't help but feel a dark presence staring at you. You turned left and turned right to see that no one was there. You felt a bit uneasy as you left the aisle, you felt like you were being followed.

Since your addiction was getting the best of you, you immediately cracked open a can of that sugary goodness to calm your nerves.

You left the store still feeling a strange presence but soon forgot about it once you began your drive home.


Once you arrived home you placed the Pepsi in the refrigerator and began to make yourself some dinner.

While you cooked your cellphone rang and you immediately answered.


"Hello dear," Your mother spoke.

"Hey Mom what's up?"

"I just wanted to see how you were doing that's all."

"I'm doing great Mom," You said while reaching into the refrigerator for another Pepsi can.

The can made a clicking noise when you popped it open.

"Is that what I think it is?" Your mom asked.

"Uh-Uh no."

"(Y/N), you better not still be drinking copious amounts of Pepsi, don't you remember what I told you?"

You swallowed hard remembering the story your mom told you when you were a child. She told you that it was alright to enjoy certain things in life but to never have too much of one thing, especially Pepsi. She explained that drinking too much of it would cause problems for you if it were taken away, and there was a man who would do just that. His name was Dio. No one knew what he looked like, they just knew he came for those who drank too much Pepsi.

You were snapped from your thoughts when you noticed the food you were making was started to smoke up.


"(Y/N), are you alright hun?"

"Yes Mom, I just got distracted for a moment..."

"...Remember what I said (Y/N), your addiction will get the best of you."

"Got it Mom."

And with that you hung up the phone. You were a bit nervous for a moment about that story, but you quickly pushed it away.

"She's just saying that because she's afraid I'll become a diabetic or something. No need to worry!"

You ate dinner and drank a few more cans of Pepsi until you had to go to bed. You changed into your pjs and crept underneath the covers. You turned out the light and sooner or later, you fell asleep.


It was late in the night and you woke yourself up from a terrible nightmare. You dreamt that someone was in your house drinking all your Pepsi and not even saving you a single drop.

Your throat was dry and your eyes were a bit crusty. You switched on your light and decided to head into the kitchen to do something about your parched throat.

As you made your way to the refrigerator, you noticed that it was slightly ajar. The light peered out from within it.

You slowly made your way to the door and opened it, your eyes grew to the size of saucers as you noticed that the Pepsi was gone! All of it, not a damn drop left behind!

You panicked as you searched behind all contents within the refrigerator but there was nothing there. You felt tears begin to well up in your eyes until the kitchen light turned on.

You looked towards the switch to see a menacing man leaning up against the door frame. A mischievous smile was painted across his face.

He then pointed to his right. He was pointing at the trash can, it was overflowing with empty bottles and cans of Pepsi.

You hurried over to the trash and searched through every bottle hoping to find something left but they were all bone dry.

"You-You bastard..." You spoke.


"Did you do this?" You said nearly in tears.


After hearing those words your chest began to squeeze, and you felt your limbs grew weak. You laid on the floor realizing what was going to happen next. Dio stood over you with his arms crossed. He snickered at you as took your final breath.

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