Rohan Kishibe x Fem Reader (Crush)

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It was your senior year of high school and graduation was closer than you had anticipated. You weren't exactly sure what you were going to be doing with your life, you really didn't have any specific aspirations. You spent most of your time hanging with your friends around the neighborhood and reading manga, as well as playing video games.

It was a Friday afternoon, school was over and you were walking home with your neighbor Yukako. You and Yukako had grown quite close since you both lived right next to each other.

"Yukako-chan, how do you get your hair to look so healthy every day?" You asked examining it.

"I just use lots of conditioner!" She smirked while pushing her dark locks behind her shoulder.

"Yukako! (Y/N)!" A familiar voice called.

You both turned around to see Josuke and Koichi running towards you both. Yukako's cheeks turned a shade of crimson upon seeing Koichi. You knew how much she adored him, but she was too scared to tell him how she truly felt.

"Hey guys! What's up?" You asked.

"We're thinking about having a small get together later, you guys down?" Josuke asked.

You and Yukako looked at each other, you shrugged.

"Sure why not? I'm not really doing anything later."

"Me neither!" Yukako said in an eager tone.

"Great," Koichi started, "We'll try and get Okuyasu to hang out too!"

"Should we ask Rohan-sensei if he wants to come?" You asked while trying to hide a blush.

If it wasn't obvious already, you had a huge crush on Rohan. You admired his dedication to his work, and how hard he'd work day after day to complete it. It was Koichi who had introduced you two, once he found out how much you loved Pink Dark Boy, he knew he had to introduce you to the writer himself. You never expected the author to be as young and handsome as him.

"Invite Rohan?" Josuke asked while rolling his eyes, "Like he'd want to hang out with us kids."

"I think it's a wonderful idea." Yukako chimed in.

She knew your secret and couldn't help but laugh a little about how hard you were trying to hide your blush.

"You're right Yukako, it wouldn't hurt to ask." Koichi agreed.

"W-Well, I'm not inviting him," Josuke said while crossing his arms, "One of you can."

"I think (Y/N)-chan should, it was her idea to begin with." Yukako stated.

You shot her a death glare.

"Besides, I don't know Rohan all that well, Josuke doesn't like him and—"

"I could invite him, we're friends," Koichi interrupted.

"Oh Koichi-kun, I needed help on my math homework!" Yukako whined, "I know you're really good at math I wanted to know if you could tutor me!"

Curse you Yukako...

"That's fine," you replied, "I'll—I'll just go and invite him."


After walking everyone to their homes, you trudged to Rohan's. The large house stood tall and menacing as you drew closer to it. You trudged up the creaking steps and stood in front of the door. Your heart was beating a mile a minute.

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