Pocoloco x Fem Reader (Let's Travel the World)

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* Requested by: @Pocoloco_With_HeyYa *
Here's to my first Part 7 story, enjoy y'all!

You were excited to hear news that Pocoloco was doing great in the race.

You and Pocoloco had grown up together in Georgia. The two of you grew up together with a bunch of other kids who all lived in the same neighborhood.

All the families in your neighborhood were poor and didn't really have much of a future ahead of them. When word spread around that Pocoloco was on his way to compete for the prize money, everyone couldn't have been more proud and excited for him.

Whenever you or the others had a chance, you'd save up whatever money you had to buy the paper to see how Pocoloco was doing in the race.

When it was down the the final stretch, the results were printed and sent out the next morning. One of you and Pocoloco's mutual friends came running with the paper in his hand.

"He did it! He did it!" He shouted.

Everyone emerged from their homes to see what all the excitement was about.

"Pocoloco won! He won the race!"

The mutual friend rose the newspaper high above his head so everyone could see the headline. It was true, Pocoloco really won! Everyone jumped for joy, no one could wait until he came home...


It took a few days but Pocoloco finally arrived home. He hopped off the horse he was on and was immediately greeted by all his friends and neighbors.

"Congrats Pocoloco!"

"We're so happy for you!"

"Way to go!"

Through the sea of cheering people Pocoloco happened to catch a glimpse of you standing on the outside smiling at the exchange. He pushed his way through the crowd and stood before you.

"Congratulations, I knew you had it in you." You smiled.

"Thanks, I'm glad to be back home," He spoke, "...Also there's something I wanted to say to you I—"

"Pocoloco! We tried our best and organized a spread of food for you!" A neighbor interrupted.

Pocoloco smiled at her, "Please save your food for yourselves.. Allow me to take you all out for food, my treat."

The neighborhood cheered. He signaled for everyone to follow and you made sure to stay close by him.

"What was it you wanted to tell me?" You asked.

"We'll talk later," Pocoloco said while patting your head.

When all of you arrived at the restaurant there was at least twenty-five of you all total. It was tough to arrange seating close by to one another but you all made it work.

"...So tell us about the race!" One of the children asked.

"Tell us about Gyro and Johnny they were my favorites!" Another spoke.

"I liked Sandman though!" A third child beamed.

Pocoloco laughed at the children's outbursts. When they were all calm, he told them how the whole race went. The dangers, excitement, and obstacles he had to get passed, as well as the people he met along the way.

"Wow, I wanna enter the race too!" One of the children spoke.

"Maybe someday," Pocoloco laughed while patting his head.

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