Guido Mista x Male Reader *Lemon* (I Like You)

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* Requested by: @pastel_josuke *
Hey y'all here's my first x male reader lemon. Sorry if it's trash I did my best, and I hope you guys enjoy it. Also if y'all ain't cool with gay sex then obviously don't read cause that's basically the whole premise of this story. Thanks! x

"Mista... Do you like (Y/N)?" Giorno asked.

It was a thought that he had been thinking about for awhile. He didn't have feelings for Mista, he was just curious because of Mista's behavior over the past few weeks since you've been added to the team. He was acting completely out of character.

"W-What makes you say that?" He panicked.

Giorno ran his fingers through his golden locks.

"I mean for starters, every time he's around you get anxious. Your leg twitches, your palms shake, I think I even recall seeing beads of sweat coming from your temples."

Mista chewed his bottom lip.

"Not only that, you act differently in the sense you're always trying to be the center of attention when he's around like you're trying to impress him..."

He sighed, "Is it really that obvious...?"

Giorno smiled, "It is a bit, but I'm also just super perceptive... You must really like him though, I've never seen you act like this over anyone."

Mista got on his knees, "Giorno please, I'm begging you, don't tell him... And please don't tell the guys, this already is so embarrassing for me."

"Why are you embarrassed? It's natural to be in love with someone, boy or girl," Giorno said trying to reassure him.

"I know it's just—"

"It's just, he's a man, isn't it?" He interrupted.

Mista didn't say anything, but Giorno could tell that that was exactly the reason.

"Well do you think it's wrong?" Giorno asked.


"I said do you think it's wrong? Is it wrong for you to like him?"

"I... I can't help how I feel... But I'm not sure how he feels about me."

"Well it doesn't hurt to ask, and if he doesn't feel the same then you can either find someone new or focus on getting rid of your feelings."

Mista nodded, he knew Giorno was right. He was glad to have someone to talk to about this issue he was having. He knew since the first day you joined the team there was something special about you. For awhile he thought he was confusing his feelings for you as admiration for your character and how great of a member you were.

He tried telling himself that he didn't like you in that way, but he found himself thinking more and more about you. It got to the point that when he even saw you walking around half naked through the mansion he began to feel uncomfortable down there...

When he finally came to terms with his feelings for you, he planned on telling you, but he was just too scared to hear your response. He was more scared of rejection than anything else.

Talking to Giorno though reassured him, he figured that the worst that could happen was that you'd say no and that'd be that.

He rose from the chair he was sitting on and headed towards the door of Giorno's room.

"Thanks again Giorno, I appreciate the advice."

Giorno climbed into his bed and waved, "Best of luck, and please turn off the lights, thanks.

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