Noriaki Kakyoin x Fem Reader *Lemon* (Baby Fever)

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* Requested by: @blankalpe *
Sorry for the wait I'm trying to slowly make my comeback here... Thank you again for all your patience and all your kind words it truly made me happy to see how supportive you all are. Thank you again.

It was around early morning, sometime in the winter. You felt a stir in your bed realizing that your husband of just a few years was waking up. It was a Wednesday morning, you had the day off while Kakyoin had work. You still had your eyes closed but you listened to him shuffle around grabbing his clothes and entering the bathroom.

After a little while you heard the shower turn on.

You missed the warmth Kakyoin's body gave to you during the chilly night, so you decided to get up as well. You rubbed your eyes and headed towards the bathroom door. It was cold outside your warm sheets, thankfully the bathroom was a bit warmer. When you opened the door you were hit with the thick steam from the shower head.

"(Y/N)?" Kakyoin called, "Is that you?"

"Yeah it's me," You said while approaching the glass door of the shower.

Through his wet strands of hair that sat in front of his face he gave you a smile. You smiled back at him while pressing your palms against the glass. He slicked his hair back so he could get a better look at you. His attention went to the wedding ring on your finger. He gave it a gentle smile and reminisced on the day he proposed to you...

He met you in college. You both were studying (insert major), and ended up being in quite a few classes together. You both were paired up for a partnered project and from there the two of you hit it off.

You were shy at first, you never really made it a task to talk to many boys, but Kakyoin was persistent. He was sweet, but also very flirty. He made quite a few passes at you, but since you never really flirted with boys you were oblivious to his attempts. It took a little while, but eventually he asked you out on a date and you began to warm up to him.

One of his favorite things about you was that your heart was pure and you cared for others more than yourself. There were many times that you'd dedicate your time to helping others and finding ways to make other people's lives easier even when they didn't ask.

He loved how you took care of him even in his darkest of times. You would do everything you could to pull him out of his sadness to make sure he was happy even if that meant making you miserable.

After a few years of serious dating, he finally popped the question and the two of you were married within a couple of months. It was a beautiful reception, it was everything you could've ever wanted all thanks to Kakyoin. He didn't want anything less than perfection for you. When the two of you were finally married and settled down in a cozy little home, it was about time for the two of you to start a family. You and Kakyoin tried multiple times but were unsuccessful. It broke your heart each time you saw a negative pregnancy test. You hoped and prayed one day you both would be blessed with a child, but that day hadn't come yet.

"I wish you didn't have to go to work today..." You frowned.

"Me too," He sighed, "I'd much rather spend it with you."

He placed his lips against the fogged up glass, you giggled as you did the same.

"How's about you join me?" He smiled mischievously at you.

"Noriaki!" You blushed, "I-I don't know about that."

Kakyoin laughed, "We have quite a few years invested in one another and it still warms my heart to see you get nervous every time I suggest something like that."

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