Dio Brando x Fem Reader (Long Lost Friend)

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Hello everyone just wanted to quickly say thanks for over 50 reads! I know it's not much but I truly appreciate anyone even giving these one-shots a read! I was also thinking about making a second part to this specific one shot... Not sure yet but we'll see! -T


"How do you always beat me?" You whined.

"What can I say? Chess is just my niche." Dio laughed as he knocked your King out of play.

You leaned back in your chair and looked up at the wooden ceiling of the bar.

"This sucks." You said loud enough for only you two to hear.

"What does?" Dio asked while resting his head in his hand.

"Do you think we'll ever make it big? Like leave this place and go somewhere?" You asked.

"Where did you have in mind?"

"Hm... How about Egypt?"

Dio chuckled.

"Egypt? Why on Earth would you want to go there?"

You thought for a moment, "Well I want to see the pyramids! Will you take me one day?" You joked.

You placed both of your elbows on the table and rested your face in between your hands. You flashed him a pearly white smile.

Dio was silent for a moment, he appeared to be thinking. His amber colored eyes were cast down onto his folded hands. You could tell he wasn't sure about something.

"One day we'll get out of this hell-hole, I can promise you that..." Dio said quietly.

You couldn't help but smile at his determination. That was one thing you admired about Dio was his determination to overcome all obstacles to achieve his goals. He was definitely something.

Your father entered the bar from the kitchen and called you over.

"The lunch rush should be coming in any minute I'm going to need your help."

"Yes father." You said quickly rising to your feet, "Same time tomorrow?" You said while directing your attention to Dio.

"Of course."


As expected Dio did return the next day, you watched as he played against various men beating each and every one of them. Today he seemed in a better mood than usual, like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

"(Y/N) I need you to bring this food over to those gentlemen in the corner!" Your father called to you.

You hoped he'd stick around until after hours. You enjoyed your nightly talks with him...

When the shop closed for the night, Dio was still around putting away the chest pieces and helping stack chairs.

"Dio!" You smiled while taking off your apron, "I'm glad you're still here."

"You say this as if every night I don't always stay here to wait up for you."

After stacking the last chair Dio came up to you and picked you up in his arms spinning you around.

"Whoa! What's going on?!"

Dio placed you back down, "Your dream will soon be a reality, my dear."

"What are you saying?" You laughed.

"Something has appeared to happen in my favor, and there is a high possibility that I may be able to partake in a hefty inheritance."

You gave him a confused look, "I'm not sure I follow, did your parents have some hidden wealth?"

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