Caesar Zeppeli x Fem Reader (Savior) *Angst*

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* Requested by: @saintly-swan86 *
WARNING: Please do not read if you're triggered by rape. I don't go into depth on the rape itself but it is mentioned and does happen to the reader. Thanks.

Broken, battered, and beaten were all the right words to describe the state you were in. You felt absolute disgust towards the man who made you feel this way. If you could've fought him off yourself you would've, you probably would've killed him if you had the chance...

This man had been coming in and out of the place you work at for quite some time now. He'd buy a drink or two and just sit there at the bar. Of course you were the bartender so you had to tend to him as well as the others sitting there. He didn't talk much, he just sat there and casually took a few sips here and there from his drink.

You never realized it, but he was always watching you from afar. Your brain was too preoccupied with mixing the right drinks together and keeping the customers satisfied to notice. However, you did notice that he came in almost every day around the time you were working, but you just assumed him to be a regular.

But one day he did more than buy his usual drink. He finally figured out your schedule, he knew when you started and when you left. He knew where you lived, what stores you normally shopped at, even where you went to the doctors. He decided to attack you at work rather than at home. At work you were usually alone, whereas at home your boyfriend was around you twenty-four seven.

When you exited the back of the place you worked, you were immediately grabbed and dragged into the dark depths of an alleyway. You tried to scream but his hand was clamped over your mouth. You tried to fight your way out of his grasp but he was stronger than you, he pressed you up against a brick wall. You heard the sounds of him undoing his belt and trying to unbutton his pants.

You refused to go down without a fight though. When you could you lifted your foot and stomped on his. He groaned in pain as you did so. When his fingers got close to your mouth once again you bit down on them as hard as you could.

His grip loosened on you causing you to break free of his grasp. You tried to run away from him but he managed to grab onto your shirt purely by chance. He pulled you back to him, your eyes were fixated on his, cold and soulless.

"I didn't want to have to hurt you!" He spat, "But you left me no choice..."

He drew his fist back and the only thing you saw after that was darkness...


You weren't sure how long you were laying on the cold concrete for. A few minutes, an hour, who was counting?

Your vision was a little hazy as you tried to sit yourself up. You were alone in the alleyway. When you could see properly you looked around to make sure that asshole was gone. When you realized you were all alone in the alleyway, you looked for your purse. It was tossed towards the other end of the alleyway.

You crawled over to it and rummaged through it to find your cellphone. You thanked the heaven's. You had multiple missed calls from your boyfriend. Your eyes tried to focus on the bright screen as you read a few messages he sent to you:

Hey you coming home?

Just checking in to see if everything's alright...

You probably picked up some overtime tonight, call me when you can.

You quickly dialed his number.

"Hello?" You heard his groggy voice say.

You instantly began to sob at the sound of his voice.


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