Panacotta Fugo x Fem Reader x Ghirga Narancia (Jealous Friends)

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Good day friends! I am back for a quick one shot I have so many requests that I did a quick run through and this idea for a Fugo and Narancia oneshot stood out to me. Also can I just say y'all are horny as hell asking for a lemon every other comment and y'all want me to make these jojo boys dominate Y/N. Let's be real for a moment, reading my old lemons makes me cringe and while I will still write them even though sometimes I have no idea how to make the lemon scene more erotic for y'all without feeling awkward lol I WILL CONTINUE TO DO MY BEST. ANYWAYS The boys in this oneshot are going to be a little older in this one (everyone's going to be at least in their 20s and up) It's going to be a jealous feud between the two boys over you so get ready girls, gays and those who are non-binary I'm back for another!
Enjoy! x :)
(Also let me know which oneshot you all preferred in the comments that i've written in the past I'm thinking of making a part 2 or a part 3 even to some of them since I noticed some of you in the comments REALLY wanted a part 2 to specific oneshots)

Mista and Narancia's apartment was only a few blocks away from yours. You and Mista had been friends for as long as you could remember, both of your parents were close friends with Mista's and the two you had done everything together. The two of you never developed romantic feelings for one another and the two of you were fine with having a plutonic (strictly friends) relationship. The two of you ended up even going to the same schools and college. Mista had invited you over to study for an exam since you both had a similar major and classes. You rang the doorbell and waited. It was a cool night the wind tousled your hair causing you to shudder. You tightly gripped on to the strap of your bag anxiously waiting for someone to answer the door. After a few seconds the door opened except Mista wasn't the one to answer, it was his roommate Narancia.

"Hey (y/n)!" he smiled.


He moved over so you could come in and closed the door behind you. The two of you walked up the steps to the second floor where their apartment was.

"Let me take your jacket for you," Narancia spoke eagerly.

He helped you out of your jacket and placed it on the coat rack.

"Thanks Narancia, is Mista in his room?"

Narancia nodded and showed you the way. He knocked on the door and opened it up for you. You could see Mista was on the phone talking to someone, he was really cheery and excited when he saw you standing there he told the person on the phone he had to go and hung up.

"Hey (y/n), I didn't know when you were going to get here (insert Mista's girlfriend's name) called me and you know how she is, she goes on for hours about her day. I told her I was studying with you today and she told me to tell you she said hello."

"Oh that's nice, I haven't seen her in awhile, maybe we can all hang out again when she comes back from her internship!" You responded.

"I'm sure she'd like that."

You made yourself comfortable on the edge of Mista's bed while he turned to face you on his desk chair. You pulled out your notes and opened it up to the lecture you had to study. Mista did the same until he noticed Narancia was still standing there in the doorway.

"You know you don't have to stand there and watch us," he chuckled, "I'm sure this stuff isn't interesting to you."

Narancia realizing he had been caught and shook his head nervously, "O-Oh...Yeah my bad, I was taking a break from my homework I didn't mean to interfere..."

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