Leone Abbacchio x Fem Reader (The Agreement) *Lemon*

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* Requested by: @Giornogiovanana *
It's big sex time once again. Also I'm still working through everyone's requests, I haven't forgotten any of y'all I promise. I'm also trying to write some more x Male Readers on the side so it's not just x Fem... Enjoy.

It happened again, you were in his bed yet again after you said to yourself you wouldn't dare go back.

You looked over at his sleeping profile. His long silvery locks were in disarray and his plum colored sheets laid just above his waist line. You honestly weren't quite sure as to why you kept putting yourself in this situation, but then again you did know...

Leone Abbacchio, the closed off and reserved member of the Passione gang. He didn't talk too much about his past, nor did he bother speaking of the present. He wasn't open with really any one except you.

The two of you weren't dating, it was more of a "hook-up" kind of scenario. You weren't a prostitute or anything like that, you were just a girl who was cheated on by her dirt bag of a boyfriend and just wanted to get back at him by sleeping around. Luckily for you Abbacchio was your one and only man for the job.

The two of you met at a bar one night. He obviously didn't want to talk to you but you pushed him enough to get him involved in your conversation. With a few more drinks in him he began to tolerate you, and you both exchanged numbers and decided to see each other again.

You both came back to the same bar and that was when you laid out how you wanted this whole scenario to go with him. Surprisingly he agreed and thought it was a good idea for the two of you to let out any pent up aggression in this manor.

The only issue now was that after seeing him multiple times around the same time every Friday night, your view on this scenario was beginning to change.

You actually were beginning to like Abbacchio, a lot. It was weird to you because sometimes after you both finished, you'd both be wide awake and you'd just talk. You'd talk about life, fantasies, your jobs and even your families would get brought up.

This wasn't part of the agreement, but Abbacchio allowed it to happen, and didn't seem to mind.

With each of those nights, you grew more and more in love with this man. It scared you to take the plunge into love again, and you couldn't bare the thought of Abbacchio rejecting you if you admitted these feelings.

You were definitely conflicted...

You peeled the sheets from your body and sat upright in bed. You rubbed your eyes and looked at the alarm clock on the nightstand.

9:35 a.m.

Thankfully it was a Saturday so you didn't have to sprint to work, but you kind of wished you had an excuse to leave.

You felt the mattress move and you turned around to see the pale man looking at you.

"You alright?" He asked while stirring awake.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"I wasn't too rough with you last night was I?" He asked, "I... had a lot on mind..."

"It's alright," You said while flashing him a reassuring smile, "I could handle it."

He propped himself up on his elbows and looked towards his window.

"Huh, not a cloud in the sky today..."

You also turned your attention to the window, "Yeah you're right."

That was when he decided to ask the one question you didn't ever expect to hear from him.

"Do you want to do something today?"

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