Jonathan Joestar x Fem Reader (Dream Come True)

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* Requested by: @Elliss3 *
Sorry about the wait, I've been pretty busy with work and school. I hope you enjoy!

Your family and the Joestar's had been neighbors since your father bought a plot of land in close proximity to the Joestar manor. Your father was a wealthy business man and when he married your mother, he vowed to build a large home on the countryside and start a family.

When that dream became a reality your parents had three children, you being the eldest and your two brothers (Joseph and William) were fourteen and six.

Although there was a large age gap between you and your brothers, you tried your best to make them feel included in activities you participated in like painting, sewing, and cooking.

They had a lot of trouble focusing at times, but they were always having fun as long as you were in the picture.

Joseph and William were also in early stages of learning to be gentlemen. Your father wanted one, if not both of them to take over the business when he passed. The boys on the other hand always wanted to do something fun and play outside.

You never really participated in the games they played outside, your mother was focused on you becoming a lady and marrying you off to an eligible bachelor. So all you could do was watch the boys from afar while they rolled around in the mud and built forts out of rocks and twigs.

One day, while you in the midst of sewing up a hole in William's shirt you heard the two boys chanting from outside. You looked out the window to see him there with a huge grin plastered on his face.

Jonathan Joestar.

William jumped into his arms while Joseph tugged at his shirt. The boys loved Jonathan. Every time he'd come by he'd stop and play with them and even bring them little treats or toys.

Since your family and Jonathan's were so close, the two families often brought gifts/goods to each other. Today must've been one of those days.

You continued to watch the boys outside, your attention was focused mostly on Jonathan and his bright smile. He was handsome to say the least, he seemed to look better every day.

You and Jonathan basically grew up together. Back then Jonathan didn't really like girls that much, he was going through the same gentleman training Joseph and William were going through now, so he didn't have time.

You always had a crush on him though. You hoped that one day he'd walk right up to your father and ask him for permission to marry you. The two of you weren't getting any younger. You both were around twenty years old, and the longer Jonathan waited, the more likely your mother and father were going to find a suitable candidate for you.

As Jonathan left the two boys to play, he approached the front door. Your heart leapt from your chest as you heard the knocking from your bedroom. One of the maids opened the front door.

You hurried to your feet and exited the room. You smoothed the wrinkles on your dress as you tried to casually walk over to the banister. You had a perfect view of the front door from where you stood.

There he was.

He exchanged pleasantries with the maid and noticed you standing at the top of the stairs.

"Good afternoon Ms. (Y/N)!" He called from the bottom.

You smiled at him as you began to descend the stairs.

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