Risotto Nero x Fem Reader (The Party)

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You hurried from room to room trying to find that new dress your friend lent you for her birthday party tonight. You met her when you transferred to the nearby University and had been inseparable ever since. The University you both attended was prestige meaning that almost everyone who attended had loads of money, but you, on the other hand, got in with a scholarship you worked very hard for.

The party tonight was supposed to take place at this very fancy, high-end, restaurant somewhere downtown. Since you didn't really have money to afford a dress fitting for the party, so your friend lent you one of hers for the occasion. When you finally found the silky red dress, you held it up against yourself in the mirror. It had spaghetti straps and a low-cut V-neck that exposed just a fair amount of cleavage. The dress stopped right above the ankle and had a large slit that went up towards your mid-thigh.

"Am I really fit to wear something so gorgeous?" You quietly spoke.

You sighed as you unzipped the dress and laid it over the banister of your bed. You glanced at the clock to see the time you had to leave was drawing nearer and nearer. After staring at the dress a little while longer, you mustered up some courage and began to slip it on.


Thankfully the restaurant wasn't too far away from your place. As you drew closer to the entrance you were met with a small group of men who were also entering the establishment. They were all neatly dressed in their different colored tuxedos. Were they here for the party as well?

As you went to reach for the door the man with lavender hair reached for it first.

"Allow me," he smiled mischievously.

You couldn't help but feel a little bit uneasy around him. You watched as his line of sight went from your face to your exposed feet in your favorite black heeled shoes. He looked like he was almost drooling.

"You're going to scare the poor girl," the blonde interjected.

He placed a hand on the weird guy's shoulder.

"Sorry about my friend, he's got a weird fetish." He snickered.

The blonde urged the lavender-haired man inside leaving just you and the last man in their group. He wore an all-black tuxedo that appeared to match his ominous presence. He towered over you, causing you to feel a little nervous. You couldn't help but stare at him, his slicked-back grey hair and the part that made you more curious, his black scleras. You had never seen a pair of eyes like his before. Black scleras with red irises, they were truly intriguing in your opinion.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked in a husky tone.

You quickly snapped out of your trance and shook your head in embarrassment.

"Oh...Nothing, sorry."

The man said nothing and opened the door once more.

"After you," he blatantly said.

You nodded quickly and hurried inside, you were half-way through the door when you realized you wanted to ask him the burning question...

"Forgive me, but are you wearing contacts?" You asked.

He looked at you quizzically before giving you a small smile, "No, this is my real eye color."

You smiled back at him.


"I know it's a weird question but it's just, I've never seen anyone with eyes like yours before..."

"Yeah, I get that a lot," he shrugged, "Just one of my 'more interesting' qualities I guess."

You both stood in the doorway a little while longer staring at each other until you realized there were more guests trying to get in.

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