The Passione Gang x Fem Reader (Pick Me!)

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* Requested by: @YahiraD123 *
This might be the longest one shot I've ever written tbh. I wanted to try and get some one-on-one time with each of the boys (Bucciarati, Abbacchio, Fugo, Mista, Giorno and Narancia) so that's why it's so long lol. Anyways I hope you all enjoy and I'll keep working away at your requests, forgive me if I miss anyone's. I got like 20 last night lol...

You were surprised to be here on such short notice. You weren't suppose to move in this quickly, in fact, you were supposed to move in at least two weeks from now, but things changed...

The reason why you were moving in so soon was because your old gang, existed no longer. Your father (who was the gang's leader) was killed, and all your friends either fled or were either shot to death themselves or killed by stand users. You were the only one left.

Your father had been close allies with Bruno Bucciarati, he saw him as his confidant and knew that if anything should ever happen to him, he could trust him to take care of you.

Of course you were in no position to be running a gang yourself, you felt that you were still too young and not as strategic to lead anyone anywhere just yet.

You were supposed to visit Bucciarati and his gang to learn leadership techniques and gain insight on the territories in Naples, but like previously mentioned, your father's gang was overthrown and the only person you could turn to was Bucciarati.

You personally had never met him, so you had no idea what he looked like, neither did you know anyone apart of his gang either. You called him after the incident devasted, and he immediately made preparations for you to come and stay with them. And here you were at their front doorstep with your pointer finger hovering over the doorbell.

You tightly held your only suitcase in your left hand as you rang the doorbell. After a few minutes you heard muffled voices on the other side of the door.

"I got it!"

"No I got it, you idiot!"

"You both need to relax!"

The door swung open and there were three figures standing there. A tall white-haired man, a dark-haired boy with purple eyes and a slightly taller boy with tan/blonde colored hair.

"Um... Hello, I'm (Y/N)." You shyly spoke.

"Hi (Y/N)!" The dair-haired boy said while peaking out from behind the tall man, "I'm Narancia!"

"Hi Naran—"

"I'm Fugo," The other boy interrupted standing in front of everyone.

"Hey no fair! I was talking to her first!" Narancia groaned.

"Too slow!" Fugo joked.

The tall man dragged a hand down his face, "(Y/N), Bucciarati's upstairs, I'll take you to him."

You snuck past the two boys arguing and followed the white-haired man up the steps.

He led you down the hall to the first door on the right.

"Th-Thank you... err...?"

"It's Abbacchio."

And with that he disappeared back down the steps, leaving you alone in front the door. You carefully took hold of the brass knob and opened it to find a short haired man sitting at a desk looking over some documents. He stopped what he was doing when he saw that you had entered.

"Are you Bruno Bucciarati?" You asked.

"You must be (Y/N)."

He rose from his chair and headed over to you. He took your free hand in his.

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