Johnny Joestar x Male Reader (Commitment) *Lemon*

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* Requested by: @Guido_Mista123 *
Enjoy! :)

Back to college, another dreaded semester of last minute cramming, nonstop class work, and sleepless nights. The campus was packed per usual with all types of students new and old, everyone casually chatted about their summers or what classes they were taking. Same old gist every year...

You sat at one of those high-rise tables with your friend Gyro. The two of you had been friends since you both started and you both had happened to be in the same major. The two of you were going over your schedules when you heard a commotion coming from one side of the building.

"Hey Johnny's back!"

"No way! Where's the wheelchair, man?" Another asked.

"Don't need it anymore, my leg healed up pretty nicely!" He smiled.

The surrounding guys all high-fived him.

"Hey do you think coach will let you play?"

Johnny shrugged, "Only one way to find out... I've been practicing pretty hard so hopefully I'll be as good as I was before!"

Gyro glanced from his schedule to the group of boys.

"Huh," Gyro spoke, "Looks like Johnny doesn't need that wheel chair anymore."

You adjusted your baseball cap to get a better look at him, you didn't want to, but you couldn't resist. You glanced over at Johnny, who was walking perfectly fine like he didn't even get into that car accident last year. It wasn't his fault, some lady wasn't paying attention and hit his car head on, the impact crushed his leg making it difficult for him to stand properly. He resorted to using a wheelchair since it required less work than a set of crutches. It was a troubling time for Johnny, he missed his chance to play soccer (or football, sorry foreigners) and compete for a spot on one of the professional teams. It was a miracle he was able to walk away from the accident and make a quick recovery, the sheer fact that he was walking without a limp was almost inconceivable...

But aside from that, their was always something about him that made you crazy. His looks, his personality, maybe the way he carried himself, you didn't know; what you did know that he was one of the most gorgeous men you had ever seen. BUT if you had a crush on Johnny Joestar, you'd better pick a number and be prepared to wait for a very long time, because he had a long line of candidates. Girls flocked to him like a seagull to an abandoned bag of fast food. They all wanted to dig their claws into him and be his one and only. But lucky for you Johnny was unquestionably gay. It didn't take long for you to gauge how he looked at other men. Of course when you're head over heals for someone you start picking up on their habits and see what they're interested in. Yes, you did follow him around a few times and the way he interacted with other guys was a little bit more than just "friendly". You even caught him making out with a guy once in the locker room.

So if he was gay then that would be perfect for you right? Wrong. See you had your chance with Johnny before he broke his leg, and long story short, things didn't end the way you expected them too. After an intense session of getting hot and heavy in your dorm (him giving you some of the greatest head you had ever received and having intercourse with you), he revealed to you that he was the "noncommittal" type. Those agonizing words pierced your heart like a knife. Of course that was the last thing you wanted to hear after experiencing something you valued as special, but you couldn't make someone want you. All of this meant absolutely nothing to him and it was just a way he could pass time and get his quick fix in. This took a serious toll on your self-confidence...

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