Bruno Bucciarati x Male Reader (A Capo's Life) *Angsty*

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Hey everyone I've had this story done for awhile so I just wanted to post it now since I kept forgetting (I have like seven drafts in my works that are all unfinished). I'm still working on requests etc so don't worry! Also before anyone says anything, Giorno is not apart of the gang yet in this story and you'll see what I mean towards the end.

Bruno Bucciarati was a hero in everyone's eyes. He was bright, charismatic and dedicated to his team. Everyone could depend on him to help in their time of need. Although he was held so highly by those around him, he always felt like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.

His biggest fear was losing the people he tried so hard to keep safe. In a world where everyone loved and cherished him, he felt so lonely and empty. Over time he became more self-centered and wasn't the same person he used to be. He knew happiness once, but it was taken from him all too soon...


"You know if you look at it this way it kind of looks like the sky is the ocean and the ocean is the sky."

You titled your head to the side and motioned for Bruno to do the same.

"I'm not quite sure about that," He chuckled, "I don't see it!"

The two of you went to visit an art museum, you both had free time and thought it would make one helluva date.

"Oh! But what about this one Bruno?" You said while pointing at the picture of a little boy, "He looks like me doesn't he?"

You mimicked his puzzled expression.

"Spitting image!" He chuckled while holding onto his gut.

The two of you laughed so loudly that the museum attendant came over to hush the two of you.

"She should watch her tone," You joked, "She's trying to tell a capo what to do!"

"Shh!" Bruno hushed, "Last thing I want is everyone knowing!"

"Oh c'mon Bruno! The whole town basically knows, they idolize you!"

A faint blush surfaced on Bruno's cheeks.

You swung an arm around his shoulders and pulled him close.

"And the worst part is, I unfortunately have to share you with them..." You whispered.

You pecked his cheek and hurried off to the next exhibit. Something about the arts gave you an adrenaline rush, you loved all the different paintings and sculptures. You couldn't stand still, you had to see everything!

Bruno laughed to himself as he watched you run around like a kid in a candy store. He loved your energy and carefree attitude, he was glad that he had such a wonderful boyfriend like you in his life. You were just the right type of medicine for him.

"Hey Bruno, check this one out!" You called from the next room.

He followed after you and examined the next piece you grew so fond of. This piece was just a mirror. It was an antique and the glass was slightly smudged.

"Stand right here," You said while pointing at a spot on the ground.

Bruno did as you asked. You stepped out of the glass's range so that only Bruno was in the mirror.

"Now this one has to be my favorite!" You commented.

"But the last five pieces we saw were your favorite!" He laughed.

"Nope, this is the greatest work of art in the whole museum!"

Once again Bruno blushed at your bold statement.

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