Ghirga Narancia x Fem Reader (Six Years Later...) *Lime*

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* Requested by: HotPocketArsonist & @TheDinowhore

So this story kinda takes place when the Passione gang is a little older (everyone's in their 20s), and everyone sees them as heroes. Also to accommodate both requests I decided to turn this one into a lime! Enjoy!

You were walking to the market on your day off. You realized that the refrigerator was getting low on food and today happened to be a nice day to go grocery shopping. Thankfully the market wasn't too far from your home so you didn't have to worry about traveling too far. In one hand you had your reusable bags and in the other you had...

"Mommy don't you think we should make another pie? We already finished the other one..."

Your six-year old son (for the sake of the story we'll call him Gabriel, feel free to change the name if you don't like it!) Gabriel, was your pride and joy. There was nothing on this earth that you wouldn't do for him. You never wanted children, but by accident you had him when you were seventeen. Your life changed for the better since then. His father was no longer in the picture, he ran off with some French woman in Paris when he was on the job and the two of you never saw him again. Occasionally he'd call to speak to Gabriel but you hung up the phone each time. Gabriel was only two when he left so he didn't know him much, but you didn't lie to him when he asked why he didn't have a father, you knew it would hurt him more in the long run. Gabriel never felt the need to talk to his father, but you felt bad that he lacked a father-figure in his life. Sometimes you'd ask if he wanted to speak to him or see him, but Gabriel said he didn't want to.

But nonetheless, with or without him, the two of you were happy. You had a steady job and enrolled Gabriel in school with the money you made. You wanted nothing more than to give him a comfortable life...

You led Gabriel by the hand to the produce section. You allowed him to pick the next fruit he wanted to try when the two of you made another pie together. Today he picked oranges, meanwhile you had never had an orange flavored pie, but you guessed it wouldn't hurt giving it a try...

After awhile of shopping, the two of you had plenty of food for the next week or so. You were in the middle of paying when a loud explosion was heard on the other side of the market. Everyone's attention turned to the source, there was a gaping hole in the wall. You clutched Gabriel closer to you, as you all watched a man emerge himself from the rubble. He looked angry and pissed off at whatever tossed him through the wall. A couple of men who seemed friendly with the man in the rubble hurried into the establishment to help him out.

"Boss!" you overheard one of them say, "They have us surrounded!"

The man from the rubble groaned, "Then there's only one way out of here... Start taking hostages..."

You left your money on the counter and picked up Gabriel. Like the others around you, you were not about to let them take either of you. He kept his arms wrapped tightly around your neck as the two of you tried to break it for the exit. You heard one of the men yell to others when he noticed the two of you. Within seconds you and Gabriel were lifted into the air and separated.

"Gabriel!" You screamed while trying to grab him.

Gabriel began to cry as he floated towards the boss.

"A woman and child usually make some of the best hostages." He snickered.

The boss held onto Gabriel and another man held onto you.

"Don't hurt him!" You screamed.

Tears filled your eyes as you watched the boss ruffle Gabriel's hair. You struggled as the other man held onto you.

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