Ghiaccio x Fem Reader (Work Hard Play Hard) *Lemon*

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* Requested by: @derisho *
It's another lemon so you already know the drill. AU where the reader and Ghiaccio are in college and Ghiaccio is a hockey player... Although I usually post pictures from either the manga or the anime, I actually loved this artwork from @4hazime on twitter way too much to not post. Enjoy! x

"For fucks sake!" The blue-haired boy shouted from across the rink.

He had slapped each of the pucks lined up on the ice towards the net. He made most of the shots, but a few flew in the opposite direction.

His friend who was guarding the net sighed.

"Ghiaccio take a break we've been at this for hours."

"Just a little longer I know I can make them all in!" He shouted.

Ghiaccio skated towards the net and grabbed the pucks. He was about to set them down for another go until the janitor came in.

"Time's up boys, gotta use the Zamboni to prep for tomorrow."

Ghiaccio sighed, he wanted more practice. Ghiaccio was already the best player on the team, but that was because he worked himself so hard. He didn't really have time for anything but hockey, it was his life. He had a girlfriend (which was you), but you two didn't really see each other much even though you both went to the same campus.

His friend Risotto, silently thanked the heaven's as he took his mask off.

Ghiaccio circled around the rink and picked up his gear while Risotto did the same. The two boys went to the locker room and changed, when they were finished they began the walk back to their dorms.


For you, the night was like any other really. You and a girl friend of yours decided to go to the library to get some class work done.

College was definitely hard, you were studying to become a/an (insert career choice) which involved a lot of time and effort on your part. You were adjusting to the college life pretty well and made a lot of new friends. You were currently in your third semester, so you definitely had a ways to go.

You clutched your books to your chest as you and your friend walked back to your dorm.

"It's pretty chilly out tonight," your friend spoke.

"Yeah I know, good thing I brought a jacket with me..."

You had on the oversized windbreaker Ghiaccio lent to you. It was his hockey windbreaker, and you loved it more than any article of clothing you had.

You were glad that your dorm wasn't that far from the library. You'd only have to endure the chill for a little while longer.

As the two of you walked you noticed two guys approaching the both of you.

"...I'm telling you, if he would've let us practice more I would've gotten all of them in!" You heard a familiar voice shout.

Your chest tightened when you saw his figure in one of the street lights. You hadn't seen much of him these past few days, but here he was, completely unplanned and not busy with practicing.

You noticed Risotto was with him, he looked pretty stressed out. You chuckled to yourself knowing that Ghiaccio was probably talking Risotto's ear off about how much better he could be.

When you and your friend approached the boys you quickly jumped into Ghiaccio's arms. He wasn't expecting to see you out here but gently patted your head when he realized it was you.

"I missed you so much!" You said while squeezing him tight.

"Hey! I just had practice, I'm sore!" He winced.

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