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---------- Prologue --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

After that horrible Potter left number four, Privet Drive, the Dursley's tried their best to pretend he did not exist. Though the task was not difficult in the slightest; no photos of Harry were in the house, no belongings of Harry's were left, and the name Harry Potter was never mentioned in the house.

Mr. and Mrs. Dursley convinced themselves that it had all been a bad dream, after all, how could anything as remotely ridiculous as magic exist?

The Dursley's thought their lives were going to as normal as normal could be. No more talk about magic, no more weird people, with weird clothes coming to their house, and most of all no more talk of Hogwarts. How wrong they were.

Little Deidre Dursley was not like the rest of her family. She was small and petite; the complete opposite of her older brother Dudley. She was good natured; as different from her father as could be and she never fancied gossip to be worth anyone's time; much to her mother's horror.

Deidre had the fine blonde hair, yet, her features were more delicate and refined than the rest of her families; and for that she was thankful. If Deidre was being honest with herself, she wished she were more like her cousin, Harry.

Harry was such a nice boy! She loved him very much. And she could not, for the life of her, figure out why her parents and brother hated him so much. Harry had always been fond of little Deidre, but he had left. And he didn't even return this summer.

After 15 years of being a Dursley, Deidre was beginning to realize she was doomed to end up like her parents; boring, judgemental and basically horrible people. Now, Vernon and Petunia Dursley loved their daughter dearly. In fact, even though she was weird and weird things happened when she was around, they were fine with that.

It wasn't until one Saturday afternoon that all that changed. The mail came as usual, and as usual, Deidre went to fetch it. She bent down and looked through the mail; a bill for Mr. Dursley, magazines for Mrs. Dursley and...a letter for her?

Ms. Deidre Dursley

4 Privet Drive

Little Whinging


The envelope was thick and heavy, made of some kind of yellowish parchment. The address and her name was scrawled neatly in emerald-green ink.

Deidre skipped back into the kitchen, her eyes still fixed on the thick envelope in front of her. She passed the other letters to her father and hopped onto her chair, still examining her letter.

"What do you have there, De," Mrs. Durley asked affectionately, standing behind her daughter.

"I don't know. It came in the mail and it has my name on it," Deidre thrills, excitement in her voice.

Mr and Mrs Dursley exchange a glance; the both of them reliving a similar scene eight years back. Deidre carefully opened up the envelope and took out the letter inside.

Dear Ms Dursley,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall


She read the letter once more, her eyes memorising each word. She couldn't help but marvel at the words witchcraft and wizardry. So maybe she wasn't a freak. Maybe she was a witch instead.

With her adorable, huge puppy dog eyes, she turned to her parents, "Momma, papa, may I go?" she asked in her most persuasive voice.

And that's when the Mr and Mrs Dursley did something they would never have thought possible. They agreed to send their only daughter to a school of witchcraft and wizardry.

Thus, our story begins when the Dursley's agree to something no one would ever have expected them to.


A/N: This is just a prologue to explain who Deidre is. I wanted the prologue to kind of sound like the book. Don't worry though, the rest of the story will be told in Deidre's perspective. I thought it would be kind of cool to have a 15 year old girl's view on Hogwarts, the classes and the like. Anyway, since the whole destroying of the castle in book 7, it's a new place....

This is basically just an exercise in imagination. Thanks for reading.

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