Chapter 15

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----------- Chapter 15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"You are unbelievably grown up for a fifteen year old, you know?" Draco murmurs, stroking my cheek.

I blush, but I've grown comfortable enough around him to not be bothered about blushing much.

"Dinner was great, Draco," I murmur contentedly.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I conjured it for you...and Deid? I really am sorry," he whispers.

"Hmm?" I murmur, my eyes drifting close. Draco sits leaning against the wall, and I lie across the floor, with my head on his lap. He gently strokes my long hair.

"About Ron," he continues, his voice taking on a far off quality.

"Shhh...You were forgiven the moment you apologised in the hall," I admit, smiling broadly.

"I love you," he whispers almost inaudibly.

"I love you too, I really do," I beam up at him. His face takes on a contemplative look. This is as good a time as any, I suppose.


"Hmm?" he smiles down at me.

"I want to ask you something."

"Ask away," he breathes, running a finger along my jaw line.

"Christmas break is next week," I purr. Hey! It's not my fault. That finger on my get it, right?

"That...isn't a question," he whispers against my cheek, sending more chills down my spine. Ah, bliss!

"I was wondering...what your plans were for the Christmas break," I continue.

"Hmm..." he murmurs, pulling away from me. "I don't really know. I suppose I'll go home and spend it with my family. You?"

"Yeah, about the same thing. I'll probably go home too," I mumble.

"Okay? So that's what you wanted to ask?" he asks perplexed.

"I was actually kinda hoping that you might want to come to my place sometime during the break?" I mumble in a quick breath, my cheeks heating up again.

Draco stares at me incredulously for a few moments.

"'re right. Sorry, forget I said anything," I mumble backtracking.

"No! No! I didn't answer because I was touched you wanted to introduce me to your family," he whispers.

He leans down his lips on mine. So, that pretty much ended that conversation.

After some...ahem, making out, Draco pulls away from me. His lips slightly swollen and red. His usually tidy hair is messed up, but that's probably my fault. Whoops.

"Deid? How do you think your family would react?" he asks uncertainly.


"Uh huh"

" family hates anything to do with magic. But I think they love me enough to be able to accept you. dad and mum are very taken up by well connected people. And I know it totally sounds horrible, long as you play the role of the condescending aristocrat, they will worship you," I whisper. Good God! I wonder what he must think of my family! Even I think they sound even worse than anyone else I've ever heard of!

Surprising me, a smile snakes its way onto Draco's handsome face. "So...I flaunt money and status in their faces, and they will like me?"

"Uh huh"

"Sounds fun," he grins widely.

I smile back at him. This is just so Draco. I know he must think they are the shallowest people on the whole planet, but he would never hurt my feelings by saying that out loud.

"I do have to warn you about my brother though..." I whisper.

"What about him?" Draco encourages sweetly.

"He's quite the bully. And he's huge and pretty much brainless. He's mean and he'll try to wrestle you..." I rant, my voice thick with impatience.

Draco brings his lips down to mine to stop me from talking. "Don't you worry your pretty little head over any of that, Deid. I can take care of myself, okay? Anyway, your brother doesn't sound that much different from Crabbe and Goyle," he murmurs, smiling brightly.

I grin back at him just as there is a loud knock on the door. Draco shoots me an uncertain look.

"Who is it?" he calls clearly across the room.

"Open the door you filthy ferret before I call one of the Professors," Harry's angry voice calls from the other side of the door.

Bloody hell!

Draco grimaces and pulls me to my feet. He leads me to his wardrobe, and helps me in. He slides the door almost fully closed as I sit inside being as quiet as I can.

With a wave of his hand, the lights turn back on and the candles arrange themselves on his side table. He murmurs something softly and all the dishes on the table disappear. In a matter of seconds the wonderful romantic atmosphere is transformed into a plain old dormitory room.

Draco pulls a copy of his Potions book open on his study table and walks over to the door. "Yes?" he asks coldly.

"Where is she?!" Harry demands.

"Probably the room next to mine?" Draco retorts nonchalantly.

"What?" Harry asks perplexed.

"You're looking for Granger, right? Try the room that says Head Girl, potty," he mutters snidely.

"You know as well as I do that I don't mean Hermione!" Harry breathes, his eyes roaming around the room, looking for anything out of place.

"Excuse me? If you want intend to speak logically, go ahead. Otherwise, my potions book is waiting for me," Draco spits.

"And my cousin?!" Harry explodes.

"What is your deal, Potty?" Draco murmurs feigning boredom.

"Don't play dumb with me, Malfoy! Where is Deidre?" Harry demands.

"Try looking in the Gryffindor common room, maybe?" Draco suggests lazily.

"She had better not have been with you," Harry breathes.

"Potter, you have to accept the fact that she and I are going out," Draco says simply.

"No. No, I don't!"

"Then you are the only one who will be upset!" Draco spits, closing the door in Harry's face.

Draco runs his hand through his messy hair and walks over to my hiding spot. He slides the door open and I grin up at him. He takes my hand and helps me up.

"I guess this means you should be heading to the common rooms now?" Draco asks.

"I guess..."

"I'm gonna miss you," he whispers, grinning.

"I'll see you in about ten hours," I chuckle back.

"I'll be counting the minutes," he whispers solemnly.

He kisses me tenderly. "You know what? I'll walk you up. The corridors are pretty dark," he suggests chivalrously.

I kiss him lightly in response.

He takes my hand and the both of us walk towards the Gryffindor common room talking quietly about the Christmas break.

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