Chapter 25

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----------- Chapter 25 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I dash my hand against the hot tears on my cheek angrily as I storm out of the room.

               “Deid!” Draco pleads miserably, as I slam the door closed behind me.

I run down the corridor and up the stairs as fast as I can. I hold the tears in, telling myself firmly that I can break down once I get to the common room.

               “Acid pops,” I shout at the Fat Lady and she swings open, mumbling savagely about my rudeness, but I couldn’t be bothered.

               “Deidre?” Francine, a sixth year friend of mine asked uneasily. “You look horrible! What happened?” she continues, concern on his face.

               “Nothing,” I whisper, walking quickly towards the dorm stairs.

Just as I reach the railing, the portrait swings open once again, and Draco runs in. His hair is messy and his shirt is wrongly buttoned.       

               “Deid! Please!” he begs, his face crestfallen.

               “I can’t,” I whisper breathlessly as I dash up the stairs.

               “Malfoy? What’s going on?” Harry’s familiar voice comes from the guy’s stairs.

               “Deid! Don’t be like that!” Draco shouts up at me, ignoring Harry.

Instead of replying, I slam the door to the fifth year dorm closed and collapse on my bed, face down. Only then do I let the tears flow freely.

It seemed like forever until a small, warm hand rubs my back gently.

               “What happened?” Hermione asks quietly.

               “Nothing,” I barely choke out.

               “You’re crying...because it’s nothing? I wasn’t born yesterday De...does it have to do with Draco? Did you guys...?” she trails off awkwardly.

               “Why would you even assume that?!” I demand, worry colouring my tone. How could she know?! I didn’t tell a soul!

               “’re still wearing the same clothes from yesterday, your bed sheet isn’t messed up and Draco is in the common room with his messy hair and misbuttoned shirt. It doesn’t really take a rocket scientist to guess it. But why are you crying? Did he...hurt you?” she asks timidly, a faint blush on her high cheeks.

               “No! Not like that,” I correct quickly. I take a deep breath before recounting the events of the previous night.


I slick on my lip gloss and give my hair a final tease. I look more grown up and I think Draco would definitely appreciate the effort I took.

Once I’m sure everyone’s gone to bed, I tiptoe down the stairs and out of the common room. I nearly walk into the groundskeeper twice, so my progress down to Draco’s room is pretty slow. But I eventually do make it down there.

I gingerly knock on the door, and Draco opens the door almost immediately. He has a loose fitting t-shirt over a pair of fitted, faded blue jeans. He runs a hand through his hair and lets out a low whistle, taking me in.

               “You look gorgeous,” he whispers, nuzzling my neck.

               “Draco,” I sigh quietly. “What are we doing? Why are we just setting ourselves up for an even bigger heartache?” I ask solemnly.

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