CH 1 - Like Royalty

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Click clack, click clack.

You'd be mistaken to get in their way, they said.
You'd have to be coming from Mars if you didn't know their names.
You'd know your place and keep quiet when present.

Click clack, click clack.

They never followed the rules, they never cared.

They never gave up until they got their way.

They never looked out for anyone other than themselves.


The door swung open, revealing the three most-watched students of the school. They never showed up for a single class. No one dares to complain about their behavior not even the staff. Having any form of power grants you ultimate access to literally anything and everything that lies in this school.

"Good morning Mr. Kim, you too Kim, and the other Kim as well," The teacher uneasily continued to greet them from his podium. He gave up on keeping a nice composed stature once their backs were turned.

As always, they didn't care to utter a single word. They're too strict on themselves, they did whatever it took in order to prevent from giving themselves away. The last thing they wanted was someone to figure them out. Their protocol seems to be as some may say; always remain a mystery.

All three of them lined up from tallest to shortest, like Russian nesting dolls. 

The third richest Kim took his seat at the very back nearest to the window. Kim Taehyung is the third heir of the clique, the extremely careless one. His parents founded Delucci  which is now the largest brand in fashion history. Not a lot of people comprehend the truth behind his actions, he exerts himself in order to become the best of the best. Gosh, a free spirit he is... maybe a little too liberated. He's very wild-like, so much so that he finds himself getting in trouble with the law too often. Not that it matters, with money and parents like that he always manages to find ways to cover up his tracks. Most think he'd end up getting away with murder.

The second wealthiest Kim sat in the seat right of Taehyung. Kim Namjoon is the second heir of the group, his dad is the CEO of several gaming companies. Ironically owning the three most well known companies; Suni, Sagwa, and Jadu. Namjoon is extremely introverted, being the hardest one to crack. Unlike the others, he's known for something other than coming from a rich and far beyond stable environment. He's a prodigy, a genius with an IQ of 148. He finds himself knowing more things than he should which makes him the utmost frightening of them all.

The main heir of the group, Kim Seokjin, took his seat right of Namjoon. Both his mom and dad own a monstrous collections of restaurant chains. They lie dispersed at every corner, their dishes come in different shapes and sizes. Quality Over Quantity is the restaurant they're well known for. It also happens to be their slogan, it's what drives them towards success as they've said. Growing up in a family of three has always been a burden to Seokjin since he is the only child. He hated the pressure, he hated the countless regulations and restrictions that seemed to apply to him and only him. He's as displeasing and as ruthless as they say. He wouldn't dare spare anyone's time even if his life depended on it. At first, he's quite charming with his sharp great looks but that's not the case what-so-ever. He's by far the most blood-curdling, spine-chilling, hair-rising kind of person there is. 

One wrong move and all of them will come fleeting in one by one at every waking hour.

Tick tock, tick tock.

Class hadn't ended, it wouldn't end until another thirty minutes but that didn't give the three a reason to stay. Bored out of their minds they stood from their seats and filed out of the room one by one. 

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