CH 27 - History

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You'd think a teenage boy would have something better to do at 1:00 a.m. Well, Yoongi's got nothing else to do except to snoop around his mothers' belongings like it's normal to be nosy. I mean, who could blame him for wanting to know more about his mother that's left out something as significant as this. Chin-Sun has never brought up these people, in which made Yoongi wonder why she never talked about them. They seem important as much as they looked important. Why else would his mother keep these pictures if they weren't so special?

He eyed this one polaroid picture before him and appeared puzzled. Sure, Chin-Sun would regularly attend this book club with the other wives around the neighborhood but they weren't her girlfriends/bffs. They're just mere acquaintances who chatter about main characters, settings, plot twists, and nothing more. 

The girl in the picture had a pretty figure, average height, long jet-black hair, seemed like a neat freak. Just like earlier, he flipped the picture over and saw another signature. A name so unreadable that Yoongi questioned if his eye-sight had already gone to shit. It seemed as if someone scribbled all over it to cover up; j҉i҉ ҉a҉h҉. 

Chin-Sun had been standing in the water fountain line, waiting to refill her now empty bottle. Just as it had been her turn, someone B-lined right in front of her and cut like it wasn't a big deal. "Ah, excuse me! I was here first, there's a line," Chin-Sun said with no hard feelings involved.

"Right..." Ji Ah trailed off, still filling up her half-way full bottle. Almost as if Chin-Sun's words went right over her head, Ji Ah continued to stay in her position. A hand reached for Ji Ah's shoulder, spinning her around to get her undivided attention. 

"If someone is telling you nicely that there's a line then get in fucking line!" 

Ji Ah rolled her eyes at the individual before her, she replied, "Whatever Dae... you'll lose your spark if you keep coming onto me."

Ji Ah, elegant and smarter than you think.

"Tch, as if!" Dae retorted.

Chin-Sun just watched the whole ordeal with widened eyes, mouth slightly agape, hands curled up into tiny balls of fists. Just as Dae was about to leave, Chin-Sun managed to catch some of the material on the back of her blazer. "Um, thank you for sticking up for me... how can I repay you?"

"Firstly, you can let go of me and then introduce yourself," Dae ordered, with her signature beaming smile that could blind millions. A quick once-over would suggest that she's practically readable, perky, short brown hair, wavy just like her flow, a ride or die type. 

Chin-Sun bowed then rambled as if this was her last time seeing Dae in person, "I'm Min Chin-Sun, first year, born on February 5th in 1973. Family of three! Currently studying in class 2-B, sitting next to the window, at the very corner of the room. Love fried chicken, the color blue, favorite number is ni-"

Appalled by the answer she's been given, Dae stopped the girl before she gave out her personal info, "Chin-Sun, I didn't ask you to tell me about your whole life. Great, now I know more than I'm supposed to. Really wanted to learn these kinds of things about you once I started being your friend."

Kang Dae, brave and radiant. 

Then another photo came into Yoongi's view, a framed polaroid picture. Four teenagers including Dae and Chin-Sun, all of them wore their school uniforms in front of the schools' entrance. Chin-Sun was all smiles giving the camera a peace sign, Dae pointed two finger guns towards the camera with a playful scrunched up expression. One girl had long, straight, brown hair and seemed delicate enough to be confused for a porcelain doll. The girl stood there almost angelically, like she's enjoying her time being careful. The other girl had short, straight, brown hair. For a moment there Yoongi could've sworn Dae and her were the same person but the other girl held this more calming look like the previous.

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