CH 42 - Mercy

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Knock, Knock!

Jungkook has delebarately ignored passing by his house. He wanted to make a statement that'd hopefully resonate with his mother because fuck Won-Shik. It upsets Jungkook that his mom has been deceived by this guy. It's as if an old friend can come back out of no where and wife up your mom as they please. The fact that he threatened Jungkook and promised that he'd make him disappear just like his father made him grow beyond agitated.

Nothing good amounts to the devil that is Won-Shik. 

And just like that, Jungkook's life flashed before his eyes when Ah Young swung the door open. Her cheeks puffed up in misery. Now this situation calls for a mission abort.

"My, what a surprise! Fate sure brings everyone together, huh?" Not at all affected by Jungkook's reappearance, his mother gestured for the pair to lounge in front of her.

Slowly but surely, Jungkook awkwardly shut the door from behind and sat on the 'L' couch perched in his living room. He sat so insufferably far from Ah Young, he was on the edge of his seat, meanwhile she too sat opposite from him.

Mi Young eyed the two who seemed as miserable as the circumstances forcibly bestowed upon them. "Come on! You guys might as well act like a couple... it'll help for future occurrences."

Jungkook could've swore he saw his mother wink in Ah Young's direction. The boy visibly gagged. He dared not to watch his tone, because if his behavior okayed the crisis at hand then his mother would assume he's more than fine with the arrangement. 

"Why didn't you ask us beforehand if we were okay with this? The fact that you guys went behind our backs and made a deal about fucking marriage is crazy!" 

Mi Young tried to reason with her boy, "What're you getting so worked up for-"

"Mom... marriage is all about uniting with that one person you love and I don't love Ah Young. No offense. I just can't see myself spending the rest of my life with her. No offense." Jungkook sure had a way of being as dismissive as his mother. The both of them can be smart cookies, sometimes.

Ah Young shrugged at the comments remarked by him, she truly doesn't give a shit. She's been quite downhearted ever since Hoseok avoided her calls and messages. Just yesterday she called him and the call immediately got sent to voicemail.

I mean, who does he think he is? Namjoon?

"What of it sweetie? It's not like you're in love with anyone. You'll learn to love Ah Young for the cunning young lady she is." Mi Young gestured a graceful hand towards her.

While Ah Young seemed all the more unbothered by the commotion that concerned her. She lied dispersed on their couch all slouched, she'd occasionally yawn with her mouth wide open while baring her teeth. Yes, what a cunning pooch. 

Jungkook wanted to pull his hair out. He braced himself for the next thing he was about to say. He merely peeped out, "But I do like someone." 

That comment caught Ah Young's attention real quick. 

What the fuck is he doing?! Ah Young screamed in the corridors of her disrupted mind.

Mi Young eyed her boy in deep concern, like she cared this time. "Kookie. My hands are tied. You know how persistent your father is..."

Ugh, Jungkook didn't even want to go there with his mother about his so-called "father". That's exactly what drove him out of the house in the first place and most likely led to these horrible shenanigans. He'll keep quiet for once, he doesn't want to drive his mom up the wall. 

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