CH 24 - Between Us

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"So, you think there's going to be any girls there, besides Ah Young?" Hoseok curiously asked as he walked up Kim Taehyung's porch steps.

Yoongi treaded along side him as he responded, "I highly doubt it... I'm pretty sure it's an all exclusive bros hangout."

"Ew, don't ever say bros," Jimin warningly sputtered. Bothered by the fact that they've all come across the Kims as more than just bros. 

Namjoon, my brother? Ew, ew, fuck, fuck, Jimin tried to get that word out of his head.

"Ah Young is not a girl, she's an independent woman!" Jungkook defended a non-existent and most likely an unoffended Ah Young.

Hoseok smiled to himself, mocking Jungkook, "Right, we get it, she's a freaking goddess!"

Ding Dong!

Ding Dong!

Ding Dong!

"Diiing dooong!" Jungkook mimicked. 

Yoongi shoved Hoseok aside, moving him away from the doorbell. "Jesus Hoseok, are you trying to break their fucking doorbell?"

Hoseok frivolously rubbed at his arm, he said, "I just wanted them to know it was us."

"I think they'd know with ONE simple ring... oh my god," Yoongi expressed with such difficulty as he pinched the bridge of his nose in exhaustion. Taking care of Hoseok reminded Yoongi of the time he had babysat his six-year old niece. 

Taehyung's door swung open, revealing him in minimalistic attire; a white t-shirt, red basketball shorts, and socks. Even then, at this moment, Jungkook held in his breath. He noticed how flattering he seemed, managing to pull off such simplicity. 

"We couldn't figure out what kind of house warming gift to bring, so we brought Hoseok," Yoongi said as he slung his arm an insulted Hoseok.

Hoseok muttered as he shrugged off Yoongi's hold, "Fuck off."

Taehyung's lip quirked up into a tiny smirk, he walked away from the doorframe and let the rest of the boys in.

"So, before we guzzle down my dad's liquor, I've got to set some ground rules," Taehyung said.

God, it's not like we're twelve... Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Firstly, don't get too comfortable because mi casa is not tu casa. Second, do NOT barf on anything! I don't care how drunk you are. Just make sure your fluids make it into the toilet, got it? Last but not least, stay away from my sister or you're a dead man."

The boys followed behind Taehyung, not sure what to feel. Scared of the way he'd mark their ends if they dared to lay a finger on his precious Ah Young. Nervous due to the fact that they had to watch their liquor consumption, meaning; less fun. A giggling mess because of Taehyung's lack of pronunciation when he spoke Spanish.

As they paced through the hallways of his massive house, Taehyung opened door after door until they arrived to their final destination. Namjoon and Jin sat opposite from one another, disassociating themselves as their screens kept them occupied.

"Sit down, I'll get the good stuff," Taehyung advised.

Jimin didn't waste a second, in a hurry, he plopped next to Namjoon keeping a certain distance. Yoongi sat next to Jimin, he faced Jin who kept "subtly" eyeing him. Hoseok took the empty spot next to Jin, who seemed disgruntled by the fact that Yoongi wasn't sitting next to him. While Jungkook wandered around the room, studying the furniture like some furnishing critic.

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