CH 7 - First Day

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Jungkook sat at his usual spot for his first class of the day; math. He did enjoy the class but for all of the wrong reasons, he enjoys conversing with the students and loves to make them laugh. Though, he didn't know this day would rob him of a good time and rip this class away from him for good.

"Jeon Jungkook, can I speak to you for a bit?" The teacher asked as he gestured a hand, signaling for him to pace on over to his desk. As Jungkook hurriedly approached his teacher he awaited for his response.

The teacher sighed before breaking the horrible news, "It seems like you won't be attending this class anymore, your counselor wanted me to give you this." Jungkook eyed his new schedule as if this had been a mistake. The teacher too seemed displeased by the change but there was really nothing he could do about it.

He gently placed a comforting hand on top of Jungkook's shoulder then proclaimed, "You were a pleasure to have in class."

Jungkook proceeded to gather his things before going to his new class, he dismissed his friends and his ex-teacher. He sulked and moped but he knew that wouldn't do a single thing. He eyed his schedule before entering and when he did he wanted nothing more but to die on the spot.

He shuffled towards the teacher, like Jimin, he tried his best not to allure any attention. 

Mr. Minyu smiled at the boy trying to relieve him of stress and anxiousness, he reached for his schedule. While reviewing it Jungkook couldn't help but eye everything else but the students.

"Ah, a new student... I'll just go and print some extra worksheets out for you, for now sit in front of Kim Taehyung," Mr. Minyu ordered before zooming out of the class in a hurry. 

Jungkook couldn't help but freeze at the name, he knew he couldn't have stood there like an idiot so he did what he was told.

Is luck ever on my side?  Jungkook thought.

He noticed that Taehyung's attention fixated on the window next to him. Jungkook felt relieved and somewhat grateful that he didn't get recognized by him. Slowly but surely, he took a seat and remained poised until Mr. Minyu returned. 

The hairs on Jungkook's neck arose when he felt fingers ever so softly grazing his skin as if that'd been the norm. Jungkook couldn't help but turn to the side and eye Taehyung from his peripheral vision. He saw Tae staring at him like a predator would look at its prey. He scooted his chair more into his desk trying to avoid any form of physical contact.

"Jungkook, the papers..." Mr. Minyu uttered out of breath. He felt that he had to run all the way to the copy room back to the class in a hurry because he simply didn't trust The Kims whenever he left them alone. 

Wow, he really did go out of his way to print a few copies for me, Jungkook smiled at the thought.

As Jungkook retrieved the papers he trotted back over to his seat. Mr. Minyu continued the lesson before being interrupted. A few knocks came from the door.

Mr. Minyu mumbled underneath his breath in frustration, "Now what?"

Jungkook couldn't help but feel a sense of relief when he noticed the three people he's been looking forward to seeing had showed up. He'd come to terms with the fact that he truly feels like himself when around them. Being fully aware that their time spent with one another has been short but he likes these new set of friends. 

"Our schedules changed, we're your new students," Hoseok replied in a matter of fact tone for the two that stood behind him. Jimin couldn't help but stare at The Kims especially the one with brown hair, the smartest one caught his eye. Yoongi gave Jimin a slight shove hoping he'd jump back into reality.

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