CH 3 - Save Me

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Pst, pst.

The halls erupted into chatter and laughter, news spread around the school about the four new students who had just arrived. You'd expect the three Kims to care less but they didn't like the fact they weren't in the spotlight. They yearned for attention, if they didn't get it from their parents don't you think they'd do anything to get a little recognition.

Little isn't much but at least it's better than nothing, they believed.

"Our room, by five," Jin confronted Taehyung and Namjoon, they complied before ambling off to wherever they needed to be. It's like they're on the same wavelength 24/7. One look determines their well-being and the other would know exactly what they're going through. They're connected in ways that others don't understand.

Jin found himself scouting for New Money, he didn't bother trying to remember Jungkook's name. New Money sounded about right so he's choosing to stick with it. Spotted, he's now in his sights.

With a small shove to Jungkook's locker it slammed shut causing a loud ruckus to relinquish itself in the halls. Jungkook peered up in shock, he didn't know what to say as he stood there staring at him dumbfounded by his presence.

"Cat got your tongue?" Jin asked in a tone filled with scorn, definitely not fond of the newcomer. Jungkook couldn't quite catch his breath as he shook his head in disagreement, Jin's statement only made even more sense.

Jin didn't like silence, especially when no one answered his questions. He didn't like the fact that someone as low as scum would leave him hanging. Without a warning he snatched Jungkook's belongings from his locker and threw them down towards the floor, he then stomped on his papers leaving dirty foot prints to top it off. 

Jungkook eyed him in disbelief, he didn't think someone as evil as him could've existed. Before any words could emit from Jungkook he did what no one would.

He raised his voice at Jin, he questioned in a vexed manner, "What the fuck is wrong with you?! Do you have any common courtesy coursing throughout you or are you just as cold blooded as you try to act!" Jin couldn't believe it, it's been years since he's been ran all over like it was the easiest thing to do.

Surprised by his own actions, Jungkook tried to gather the papers from the floor. He's never been able to defend himself especially since he's a bit of an introvert and usually tries to go with the flow. His flow now being disrupted by something so crucial, something so intense that'd do anything to stop it altogether.

Jin glowered down at the boy, he wanted nothing more but to beat him until he couldn't stand on his own two feet. Gruesome, as they say but not in his eyes. He found torture as a way to discipline those who crossed him. Beating someone senseless is his way of disciplining those who've done him wrongfully. You don't have to agree with him because your opinion would be the last thing he'd care about.

He raised his leg resting the sole of his shoe on top of Jungkook's forehead. The footprint of dirt imprinted itself onto Jungkook's temple. Jin wouldn't exactly call it a footprint, stamp seemed more fitting. This action is what they call shaming in which he thought.

"Know your place, this mark truly signifies what you're really worth... the epitome of failure," Jin lowly snarled as he spit on the floor next to Jungkook's papers. Before Jin could make his grand exit he felt a tug at his blazer. He turned to meet with someone he's never seen before nor would he even bother remembering his face after.

Jin tiredly awaited for a response, a question, a comment, an anything. Then Jin truly got what he wanted, he got what he deserved. A punch burst forth making its appearance onto Jin's frontal part of his face, he could already feel the bridge of nose bruising from the blow. He held onto his nose as if he's never had one to begin with, he marveled at how the blood continued to spew out of his nostrils.

Yoongi just stood there rubbing away at his blood-stained knuckles then took the chance to grab Jin by the collar of his blazer. Now at eye level, Yoongi spat at him in an acidic tone, "Do you know your fucking place now, do you?"

Jin knew that this semester was going to be none other than stressful and combative. The hall clattered around Jin forgetting the fact that they were all staring at a Kim, they too had just witnessed the first loss of one.

***Time Skip***

Jin finds himself exceptionally great with times and numbers, he never forgets a meeting but today for him is at most an exception. He completely forgot about the meeting at his dorm, he wanted to talk about the new guys. He really tried to seem like he couldn't give a shit about them but it annoyed him to the core. The fact that they weren't being recognized for who they were.

He entered their dorm and expected to be chastised by a swarm of questions and responses but that was not the case. Taehyung happened to walk in from the kitchen as he eyed him in skepticism.

"What happened to your face?" Taehyung inspected Jin's injury as he locked the door. He hissed in pain as Taehyung poked the side of his nose, wrong move Taehyung... wrong move. He couldn't help but be the curious little one that he is, it's just in his nature to get as up close and personal.

Namjoon sighed as he placed his book on his side, he softly shoved Taehyung's arm to the side as he inspected the damage inflicted on Jin's nose. He questioned in concern, now serious as he carefully placed his fingers on the sides of Jin's face, "Who did this?"

Jin swatted Namjoon's hand away from his side profiles, he answered, "New Money." He couldn't exactly care to know the name of the one that struck him but he thought that this wouldn't have occurred if New Money wasn't so careless and disruptive. Contradicting now, isn't it?

"The klutz?" Taehyung asked from his desk chair as Namjoon tried to find a first aid kit. Jin gave a curt nod as he rested his head against the wall of the bathroom. Taehyung crinkled his nose in vexation, he opposed to the idea of being disrespected like this. He couldn't have imagined what kind of public humiliation Jin had to go through. 

New Money will definitely pay, Taehyung thought.

"Found it..." Namjoon uttered from the kitchen as he rushed towards Jin like a doctor would for a dying patient. He carefully applied what seemed to be rubbing alcohol, healing cream, an ointment of some sort, and a band-aid. Sometimes Jin really wondered why Namjoon sought out to take care of others rather than himself. 

The boy is truly selfless.

Taehyung commented from his spot, "I'll make it up to you Jin, I promise I'll show New Money what it's really like to be from the slums." And that was definite, Taehyung wanted to make a fool out of Jungkook since the very first day they've met. Something about authority and power really sparked their interests, they wanted it more than anything. 

The three are truly Tyrants.

They readied themselves for bed, they had bunk beds. Namjoon being at the very top and Taehyung at the very bottom. They had a fourth roommate but that guy was a lost soul to begin with. So Jin has his own bed like the others but no one else to bunk with, you'd think he'd like it that way but he didn't. He didn't like to be alone but he's never said so, he'd never confess as to why he feels so lonely.

The guy is truly isolated.

"Sleep tight Namjoon, sleep tight Jin," Taehyung said before falling into a deep slumber.

"Night," Uttered Namjoon closing his eyes shut.

"Goodnight Joon, Goodnight Tae," Jin whispered into his pillow in a hushed tone then slept like the helpless person that he really is.


I'm bawling, someone save poor Jin
for me!

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