CH 34 - 1989

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What's it like to isolate yourself from the world and those that truly care for you? You think your so-called friends are against you. One friend decides to keep his distance and the other decides to kiss the first girl you've ever fallen in love with. That same girl did nothing, she just sat there and let things happen as they should. The one girl who went hysterical over you suddenly stops, before you could drop her, she puts her feelings to rest.

Do Yoon now, desolate, ate at the rooftop of Asatski Boarding School that over-looked the courtyard. He sat there, eyeing the crowds that chirped rather loudly or laughed like madmen. Never in his life would he come to terms with the fact that he's alone and this time maybe permanently.

After the incident at the karaoke place, he cut off all contact. Why, you may ask? He just didn't want to surround himself with people that couldn't convenience him. What personal gain would he accomplish if he were to pretend as if everything were okay around them? Nothing's fine when people you trust go behind your back and shred your feelings into miniscule pieces, as if that's what friends do.

He didn't understand why Sung-Hoon had to do him so dirty. Though, he didn't really know about Sung-Hoon's feelings for Chin-Sun, there was a fault in communication. Do Yoon felt raw, seeming baffled by this gross result and no one's doing anything about it.


Do Yoon set his lunch down, turning around to face the doorway. There, perched up against the frame was Ji Ah. Surprised by her presence, he figured she'd be the last person to ever come near him.

"You look a mess," Ji Ah dryly commented.

With a scoff, he replied, not in the mood to defend himself, "Thanks."

Ji Ah sat beside him, her hands sweeping behind her skirt, taking cover. She continued to curiously eye the boy. Before Do Yoon could speak, Ji Ah sneaked him a box of chocolates. She explained, "Technically it's White Day... in Japan."

Do Yoon just stared at the contents. She spilled, blush tinting her raised cheeks, "Also, I don't think I'll ever get over you." 

"I know this is bad timing, with what's going on. How people deserted you, in the process of it all I left too. What I'm trying to say is... do you think I have a shot?" Ji Ah toyed with her fingers, nervous for his answer.

He hesitated because all he could think about was Chin-Sun. The thought of her made him feel guilty. Maybe in return for dating Ji Ah he could probably win the girl of his dreams. If only love were that easy. 

"Of course," Almost immediately after having that one on one battle with the angel and the devil on his shoulders, Do Yoon finally agreed. 

***Time Skip***

The talk of the school always revolved around who was next in line to be humiliated, who was getting into fights, and who was dating who. This time, Do Yoon crawled his way back into his popular circle with the help of his "beloved" Ji Ah. Both of them, especially Do Yoon, picked themselves up and flaunted their newfound relationship as if they were the it factor. 

They never had to go up to anyone, everyone came frolicking towards them. It's the perks of superficial popularity, you learn to deal with it.

"You think she paid him?" Dae's beady little eyes scanned Ji Ah's innocent façade.

While Han Soo braided every lock of Mi Young's hair, she agreed, "No doubt! He doesn't even look happy when he's with her."

Mi Young concurred, "His smile is so suspicious..."

"Guys, let's just go hang out at the courtyard," Chin-Sun eyed the three who softened their angered expressions.

Ever since that night in the karaoke room, the girls never understood why Sung-Hoon just kissed and dissed. They didn't want to admit what they were all thinking; that kiss being a potential prank. Not one of them really dares to ponder further. All of them have grown a soft spot for their poor friend. Fortunately for Chin-Sun, this isn't her first kiss but one she'd have a problem forgetting. 

Do Yoon, all eyes, watched at how Chin-Sun walked away. Catching more than just a glimpse. He noticed the swaying of her hips as she wandered opposite from him. The way her hair fell on the brim of her shoulders.

Ji Ah, incompetent of hiding her true feelings, harshly pulled on Do Yoon's arm and away from the shrouds of crowds. 

"What's wrong-" Do Yoon tried but was rudely interrupted. 

Ji Ah reached his tie, tugging onto the fabric like a total top, more dominant than Do Yoon could ever be.

"I, Ji Ah, am your girlfriend not Chin-Sun. Got it?" Do Yoon let out a short hum, somewhat annoyed that he let himself go this far. Far enough for Ji Ah herself to scold the shit out of him right then and there.

"Repeat after me."

"You, Ji Ah, are my girlfriend not Chin-Sun," Do Yoon said, fingers crossed.

***Time Skip***

Grandparents' Day, Spring of 1989; a day Chin-Sun still can't forget. In order to honor those on this day she had to spend over more than a week at her grandparent's house. She braced herself for the countless amount of chores she had to spend doing. 

"Chin-Sun, please get the door, the groceries must be here!" Chin-Sun's grandmother hollered from the kitchen. 

She paused her chore-doings then rushed towards the door. Opening the front, she eyed the boyish figure right before her orbs. The guy himself stood speechless in his work uniform. A box of groceries in hand, cap on his head hooding his masculine features. Chin-Sun wanted nothing more but to yank his hat off and unleash whatever was kept hidden. 

"I guess I'll take that box from you," Chin-Sun rushed. Quickly, as if she remembered her purpose, she claimed the box of groceries from the boy's grasp. It took her a millisecond until the box itself drooped with her "steady" hold.

The guy smiled, lips parting slightly for those pearly whites of his to shed their light. He then embraced the box and walked inside as if he's done it before. 

"W-wait!" Chin-Sun stammered, baffled that a total stranger entered her grandmother's house without permission. 

Her grandmother approached them, eyes widened just a tad. She went off on a tangent, "Ah, I see you've met Seo Joon. He's the neighborhoods grocery boy, surely a hardworking fellow. Anyways, money's on the table." 

Chin-Sun curtly bowed, being way too formal now. Earlier she was being such a klutz and now she's treating him like an old geezer. "Oh, no need to be so casual! We're practically the same age... I think," Seo Joon stopped her from going too far.

"I'm Min Chin-Sun, second year, born on February 5th in 1973. Family of three! Currently studying at Asatski Boarding School. Love fried chicken, the color blue, favorite number is ni-" Just like before, she rambled like a flustered fool, unable to comprehend why she's in such a hurry. 

Seo Joon stared in amazement, wondering why he wasn't stopping her. Snapping back into reality, he took his cap off. His hair a fluffy mess, a soft chaos. Chin-Sun wondered if he'd deny her request; to lace her fingers around his strands. 

"You should really save those kinds of things for when we start dating," Rather brash of Seo Joon. The both of them stood there, engulfed in their tense presences.

Even then, Seo Joon couldn't believe himself for being so assertive, so careless. Even then, Chin-Sun couldn't believe how unsteady her heartbeats gradually increased, how much more irregular they were with Seo Joon rather than Do Yoon.


chin-sun ain't playing no games

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