CH 43 - Caught In A Lie

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In an attempt to do everyone a favor, Jeongyeon decided to willfully give up the privacy of her bedroom for the quarreling couple in hopes that she wouldn't get beaten to a pulp. Thus, Jeongyeon continued to bicker with her pre-wedding planner and thrash all Hoseok's ideas down the bin. 

Ah Young uncomfortably sat on the edge of Jeongyeon's bed and observed at how Hoseok stood there, back facing Ah Young while he toyed with Jeongyeon's knickknacks.

"Why're you doing this?" 

Hoseok tensed at the sudden question but he refused to let it daunt him even further, he decided to fall mute under the pretenses of this fatal conversation. Wrong move.

Ah Young sighed at the misfortune of all things. She intentionally jabbed at Hoseok, expecting him to answer at this point. "Is this because I chose Jungkook over you or-"

"Why him?" He drawled, teeth sinking into the inside of his cheek. Finally, giving into temptation he placed the snow globe back in its rightful position. 

Aha! Insecurity hit the spot!

"Because I couldn't out Jungkook and Taehyung's relationship. I felt obligated to save them..." Although it wasn't her place to be the savior, she decided to succumb to her ill-fated desires.

Hoseok's gaze fell to the floor, "Do you, by any chance, love me?" 

"With all my heart," Ah Young desperately chirped, allowing herself to stand up and approach the boy. She brought it upon herself to take it a step further and embraced him from behind, her arms encompassing his mid-region whilst her chin barely rested itself atop his broad shoulder.

Hoseok couldn't bring it in himself to say it back, just like Jin. Those words were on the tip of his tongue but he couldn't tell the truth, not while he's on a lying streak. He can't just break off the wedding he had ever so promised Jeongyeon of. I mean, he's already gotten many people on board with this whole engagement. He can't let down his family, the thought of it had him petrified of the consequences. He blindingly jumped the gun and undermined the whole reality of it all. He feels so stupid for committing these deeds all in the acts of envy and scornful jealousy. 

He can't just double down like this, despite the fact that he'll crush Ah Young in the process.

Hoseok gently untangled Ah Young's warm grip from his churning torso. He sighed, finding it difficult to not undermine Ah Young's love for him while conscious of her disposition. 

"I can't say that I love you back," Hoseok peeped out. He felt wretched for complying with his dark side but where was the lie? Hoseok can't say he loves her but he never said he didn't. 

Ah Young eyed the wooden paneled floor in pure dejection. "Hoseok, baby, look at me," Her soft voice quivered as she quietly ordered the boy. Her fists tightly clenched at her sides as she tried to keep it together but the tears falling from her dazed eyes said otherwise.

Hoseok slowly turned around to face Ah Young's mopey state and wished he didn't have to break her heart. His face contorted into its lowest low, he too tried not to appear as distraught. He shouldn't have to let himself go, instead, he'd willingly let go of Ah Young for the sake of future distancing. If he can't be with her ever then he shouldn't be holding onto her this desperately.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me the truth."

Oh how fucking daunting this was, he longingly eyed her and braced himself for the bullshit he was going to spew whilst remaining as stiff as a wooden board.

"I hate you Ah Young. Maybe if you grew a pair by standing up to your mother and picked me instead of Jungkook... we could've been where Jeongyeon and I are at. I hate cowardly girls like you."


Hoseok's cheek unbearably stung as Ah Young continued to shove him. The boy didn't do so much as to budge, a lifeless statue, 'til Ah Young pushed him with all her might, in which prompted him to bump against Jeongyeon's drawer.


Ah Young seized her rather harsh movements once the snow globe Hoseok previously held had fallen down towards Jeongyeon's floor. With teary mascara toppling down her apple-cheeks, she whimpered into her visibly shaky hands.

"C-correct m-me if I'm wrong but m-maybe you're the c-coward here, H-Hobi." 

With that said, Ah Young left the premises of Jeongyeon's room like a trembling wreck. Meanwhile Hoseok chuckled to himself and slammed his fist against the drawer in self-defeat.

Sometimes the happiest people on the planet are the saddest ones to walk the face of the Earth.


um, i need a tissue ;(

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