CH 37 - Teen Spirit

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Taehyung inwardly chuckled in the remnants of his bathroom with comforting hands that wrapped themselves around Jungkook's slim waist. The boy had been propped atop of Taehyung's granite countertop next to the single sink. Both a tittering mess, grinning at the thrill of getting away with such dirty deeds. That fluttering feeling threatening to continue. 

With latched lips, theirs connected for the tenth time this minute. Jungkook smiled into the kiss as Taehyung continued to taste every bit of him and yearned for that escalating uproar of ecstasy to take its toll. The latter grasped onto the edges of the countertop and proceeded to entangle his fingers into Taehyung's soft tufts of blonde.

A lowly groan escaped from within Taehyung's throat as soon as he felt Jungkook's knee intervene with the gap between his own legs. With their competitiveness in the way, Taehyung took the upper hand, one of his palms smoothly transitioned from Jungkook's hip bone towards his mid-thigh. He grasped onto the meaty base of his upper-leg, the tips of his fingers kneading into the pant fabric that concealed Jungkook's skin from Taehyung's longing touch. These minor yet vast actions made Jungkook tense in a splendid surprise. 

Jungkook's breath hitched into the in sync rhythm of their smacker session. His ears burned a bright pink hue as Taehyung continued to send spurts of shivers along his overheating body. Quite mellow, tuneful moans ran away from Jungkook's agape lips between the intervals of Taehyung's prolonging pecks.

"Louder," Taehyung huskily whispered into the airy kiss. He let out several gruff responses upon feeling Jungkook's entirety move in minute gyrations. 

Knock Knock!

"Fuck..." The blonde softly let out, pissed at his misfortune. Jungkook sat there, seeming desolate but a little thankful that he had the time to collect himself.

Taehyung shut the bathroom door from behind and hoped that the person who had knocked would diminish right before him. "What's up?" Taehyung pulled his main bedroom entrance open and watched over his suspicious mother. 

Seeming nonchalant with his parent in view, he'd occasionally eye his bathroom door. "Just checking up on you, is all. Thought I heard some voices when I was talking to your sister earlier."

"Hm," Was all he could peep out without dragging the conversation.

Ha Eun scratched the back of her head for a second, bringing up the last thing Taehyung wanted to hear. "Ah, how's your friend, Jungkook?"

"W-what?" Taehyung almost choked on air itself, his face gradually growing crimson in the heat of the moment.

His mother eyed him in skepticism, eyebrow arching upwards, loving the way her kids are so predictable. "What's he been up to lately?" She merely chirped like it was totally fine to ask about her son's secret lover. Ha Eun proceeded to interfere Taehyung's space and immediately rushed towards his bathroom as if she could sense the doe-eyed boy who stilled in his timbs.

"How would I know?" Taehyung caught up to her, his hand failing to grip the doorknob first. 

Ha Eun's grin lengthened within time, she continued, "Well, one of your friends from school told me that you've warmed up to him lately... am I wrong?"

In deep thought, Taehyung stood there trying to decipher who on Earth would spew such vital information directly to his mother. 

Namjoon? No, he doesn't have anything against me, he'd never do such a sheepish thing... especially since he's been busy finding his mother's whereabouts and lounging around Jimin almost all the time.

Jin? Heck, he's never been one to ruffle the feathers of those in our main group. Plus, he's basically got his hands tied. 

Ah Young? She might just have an ulterior motive... yeah, she'd definitely throw me under the bus for something so insignificant. 

Taehyung had an 'AHA!' moment. He abruptly ended his thought process as soon as his mother entered his bathroom and luckily no one was in sight. Taehyung's heart just about palpitated out of his chest when he couldn't find Jungkook's presence. Ha Eun was so sure she'd have an 'AHA!' moment herself.

In the shower, cowering behind the shower curtains, stood a motionless Jungkook. A small shadow casted from the other side where Taehyung and Ha Eun were. If they stared long and hard, they could make out the silhouette but thank God the lights were off.

Just as Taehyung thought he was in the clear, his mother reached for the shower curtains. In an instant, Taehyung bolted right in front of her whilst turning on the shower. He abruptly pushed her out of the area, "Ugh... ew, I reek! Thanks for visiting and all but I really need to take a shower!"

Ha Eun furrowed her brows in confusion, sniffing nothing but a typical boys' room smell. As soon as she was forced out of his room, Taehyung immediately locked it, sparing no time for her to effortlessly waltz back in. 

As if remembering Jungkook's awkward situation, he ran back inside and turned the shower handle to the opposite side. Ripping the curtains open, he eyed Jungkook's mopey wet state and couldn't help but crack a half-frown all the meanwhile broadcasting a half-grin upon seeing him like this.

He felt awful for putting Jungkook in this kind of peculiar position but admired every second of Jungkook's brazenness to keep this relationship alive. Because if this meant nothing, Jungkook would have revealed himself earlier for all to know what's really been happening behind the scenes.

His entire outfit coated in semi-warm water, his white shirt clung onto his aqua splayed flesh. Fortunately outlining the muscles on his tummy that were remarkably present. His Ironman socks slushed beneath him quite uncomfortably. Jungkook uncontrollably shivered due to the cold air that began to hit his tanned skin. All he could do was stare at Taehyung with these unmistakable hungry, hooded eyes while his teeth chattered in an attempt to withstand the chill. 

Taehyung leaped over the shower tub and closed the curtain with one strained tug. Jungkook watched his every move as Taehyung turned the shower on once again and pushed him against the steamy wall. 

Without a word, Taehyung made an effort to pull off Jungkook's shirt to uncover it all. Jungkook helped a bit and yanked his t-shirt off, slinging it on the handle that held the curtain together. With that, Taehyung did the same. Both boys loomed over each other, shirtless in their presences, relentless in an attempt to smother each other in their candied caresses and pure affection. Taehyung's hand slowly clamored through the mist to encompass Jungkook's refined slack jaw.

"No one can take me away from you..." Taehyung croaked into the cavern of Jungkook's ear that profusely blushed a pinkish hue.

"Even if they tried?" Jungkook inquired, smirking.

"It'd be nearly impossible," Taehyung lulled, his tiger eyes luring in his precious bunny. 

Before embarking and setting themselves into motion for their second act, both boys observed each other in complete disarray. It's like they're almost incapable of processing how everything came to be and how everything transpired between them so quick but it didn't discontinue a single thing. Jungkook's eyes crinkled a smile, a cupid tint enhancing his practical shape underneath the splayed water that spurted his face in strokes. 

Jungkook remarked, "I hope you keep your promises, I'm counting on you, Kim Taehyung."

Taehyung's lips embellished this haughty yet attractive leer, not long before replying, "Forever and always, rely on me whenever you can, Jeon Jungkook."


this taekook chap inspired by >>> cherry - rina sawayama ♫

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