CH 19 - The Chosen One

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Many of the richest, most earning attendees stood scattered amongst each other. Everyone eyed each other like fresh meat, skewering their orbs right through their souls. As a successor, it came easy when scouting someone below, equal, and or higher than your status. Personality never mattered but your earnings always did, it marked whether you were worthy or not. 

Hoseok lounged around the caterers as he speculated the food. He said he'd try this time around but no one had peaked his interests there. Sure, those that attended dressed to impress with their lavish accessories but not even one particular girl caught his eye. 

He wanted nothing more but to change out of his tux into a t-shirt and a pair of shorts but he had to find someone in order to leave. Hoseok couldn't bring it in himself to pick at something, nothing seemed appetizing. He whisked a can of Sprite from the table near the other type of refreshments.

The noise there became excruciatingly painful to listen to; chit chatter echoed, music blasted, plates clashing, silverware clinking.

That is, until one voice slithered its way into the sounds and silenced it once and for all. A girl ranging from around 18 to 21 years old stood there eyeing the food. Her red dress trailed behind her as if the gown decided to claim her figure as its own. The material perfectly hugged her body to accentuate her curves. The dress in itself didn't make her look slutty, if anything, the one word to showcase her appearance had to be gorgeous. Her wavy brown locks ended just below the shoulders and emitted a slight reflection from the heavy lights. Everything about her screamed eye-catching. 

"I want one of everything, please," Her small yet demanding voice made Hoseok's ears perk up.

"One... of everything?" One of the caterers ogled at her as if she were out of her mind. 

The girl laughed, seeming even more beguiling just standing there. "Yes."

Dang, she can eat, probably even more than Jungkook, Hoseok noted before taking another sip of his Sprite.

As soon as the caterers prepped her food, she just waited there. Silently, she admired the room and what happened to be beyond it, if that was even possible. 

"So, these mixers aren't your thing either?" She peeped out, facing him now. 

Hoseok hesitated to turn to the side, he didn't know if he wanted to marvel at her face or longingly stare at his footwear. "Not really," Hoseok earnestly replied. 

"Hm, then why are you here?" She remarked, acting as if she didn't just come off as nosy. 

"Why are you here?" Hoseok shot back.

Like a child, she retorted, "I asked you first."

Hoseok took a sip in which followed after another, she was making him nervous and he didn't know why. Something about her made his fingers drum against the table behind him repeatedly. Every time she stared, he'd hold his breath until she turned away. 

"Well, if it wasn't already obvious, like most people in here I'm being pressured into marriage." His tone simpered down, his blatant reply left the girl snickering. Nothing was funny about what he had just said but she just found his comment way too relatable.

"Being rich sucks." She chuckled half-heartedly.

"Tell me about it," Hoseok lied through gritted teeth. Growing up wealthy is at most an upside in his eyes but for this woman, he'd be willing to do anything. He wouldn't realize what her influence did to him now nor what it would do to him in the future.

Like the skeptic she is, she quizzed, "Has anyone caught your eye yet?"

"Well, if I'm to be totally honest, no." That lie was as big as Jungkook's biceps. 

At least she owned up to her answer unlike Hoseok. "If I'm being completely honest, you're on my list."

Hoseok's face turned beet red, he tried gulping down some of his Sprite but managed to choke on the substance. He took in several breaths of fresh air. When he caught his breath, he couldn't help but feel his burning features.

He cleared his throat before muttering, "Excuse me."

She couldn't contain her giggles any longer, she herself grew pink in the face. "Ahaha, you're too cute."

Hoseok's eyes widened in surprised, he protested, "No way, if anything, I'm handsome."

"You're pretty much both," She smiled to herself.

"What's your name?"

"Jung Hoseok, yours?"

She shook her head, displeased with his question. "You wouldn't want to know, let's just keep my existence anonymous," Her voice tickled Hoseok's chest. She's so playful, so breath taking, she must like being bait.

"Will I ever get to?" Hoseok questioned, a tinge of hope seeping through.

With one last blazing gaze, she ogled at him for the longest time, and to that she simply said, "Only time will tell."

Just like that, in a matter of seconds, she'd been gone in a flash. Hoseok felt abandoned, alone, and isolated the entire night. He couldn't stop thinking about her, the way she stared at him with such meaning he couldn't comprehend. Hoseok hadn't been an expert on girls but he knew she had to be into him, even just a little bit.


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