CH 25 - Run Run Run

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Ah, good morning! The birds are annoyingly chirping their upbeat tunes as if they have the right, the leaves are rustling while its tree's branches repeatedly tap against the windows, great morn sunshine slivers its way into the house to kill everyone's retinas.

Don't we just love this time of the day?

Except for a few dumbfounded boys who knowingly yet unknowingly slept with a stranger who also happens to be a dime and two nickels of a friend. Feelings and friendships don't bloom over night but whoever said that doesn't know anything about how someone's internal clock can change over such little time.

Like Jimin, he didn't expect himself to sleep next to someone he barely knew, let alone wake up beside them the following morning entangled in their presence. He never expected this to happen, not with a boy so to say. With Namjoon's arm draped over his slim, dainty waist and his other resting underneath Jimin's lolled head, he forgot all about his worries except for the butterflies that continued to flutter around in the belly of his stomach. 

"Kim Namjoon," Jimin airily whispered into the other's arm. He repositioned himself to inch closer to Namjoon's sharp yet soft-like face, he fought the urge to pinch his buttoned nose, to shyly peck his features without giggling, to caress him ever so delicately, to coo lovely words into the shell of his ear.

Jimin quickly shot up realizing how in love he sounded, how foolish his thoughts seemed to get each second he spent racking his brain for answers. Quickly but carefully, he removed himself from Namjoon's hold. On the way to the doorway, he hissed once he knocked over a half-empty bottle of wine.

"Fuck my life," Jimin winced, clutching his own self in protection of what's to come, he watched in relief as Namjoon did nothing more but stir in his sleep.

Wow, what're you so worked up for? It's not like you're leaving from a one night stand! Jimin blushed at the thought.

He felt no remorse for leaving Namjoon there to fend for himself because... will Namjoon really remember anything that happened last night? After all, Jimin could barely recollect a single thing, which saddened him but he convinced himself it'd be for the best. What kind of sane person wants to remember the dumb shit they did the day before?

As he scavenged for the other boys around the house, he stumbled upon a tragic scene. Something so terrifying that anyone else who treaded past this room would return and make a double-take, perhaps, even a tenth-take. From the doorway, through the tiny crevice, Jimin could spot Hoseok sleeping next to Ah Young's bedside on the floor. Ah Young kept leaning against him, her hand perched on his thigh.

Jimin chokes at how sly she is, even in her sleep. "Ho-Hoseok!"

Taehyung's going to fucking kill him if we don't get out of here! Jimin thought. 

"Fuck... Hoseok, wake up!"

Would it be rude of him to enter a random girl's room to collect his friend and prevent him from an ass beating? Well, here goes nothing.

Jimin swiftly opened her bedroom door then tiptoed his way over to Hoseok. He didn't know whether he should shake him, warn him ever so quietly, remove Ah Young's hand that'd soon dare to go somewhere further, deeper, towards his forbidden fruit.

Do I even have the right to cockblock them like this? Jimin curiously wondered. 

"Hoseok, we have to go!" Jimin warned as he slightly shook Hoseok. 

"Why noooow???" He whined.

Jimin retorted, "Because I said so."

"I don't want tooooooo..."

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