CH 38 - 1991

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"... and so I said, 'If you bring me another sandwich with pickles, then I won't hesitate to file a complaint-'" Ji Ah dangerously halted dead in her tracks right smack in the middle of the busy hallways of Asatski. It's lunch hour. She huffed at the fact that one of her gremlins hadn't been listening.

Ha Eun mentally cringed at the scene as she shook Jae Hwa to her senses, "Earth to Hwa! Hello, are you even listening?"

Jae Hwa, stilled in her motionless disposition, snapping out of her constant raging thoughts, "Yeah, totally!"

"You've been spaced out since last week. What's your problem?" Ji Ah let out, visibly irritated that her friend is being rather aloof. Being way too out of character.

Jae Hwa stood in front of the windows that overlooked the schoolyard. A bunch of boys were playing a match of soccer in their free time. She overlooked a few competitive individuals that lied dispersed within the field whom caught her eye.

"Who's the bloke?" She lightly pressed her fingertip onto the window pane as if Ji Ah and Ha Eun could tell who she was pointing at. "Jersey number seven."

"Not your boyfriend, that's for sure," Ha Eun spat as she eyed number seven in skepticism.

Why had this random guy peaked one of her best friend's interests? Why did Jae Hwa have to crush on someone so late into their Senior year? Why when she's already taken?

Jae Hwa let out an airy sigh, she retorted in disbelief, "I'm just curious!"

"Growing curious about someone else, meanwhile in a loving relationship, is technically cheating if you ask me," Ji Ah spoke aloud, defensively crossing her arms over her chest, she too watched over number seven make a pass to number three.

"Yeah, well, Do Yoon must be cheating on you twenty-four-seven."

In the midst of it all, Ji Ah grew embarrassingly red with fists of fury that rested at her sides. Ha Eun stood there speechless with eyes that seemingly slipped out of her sockets.

It's a shared thought, really. Everyone knows or at least has an idea about Do Yoon's true feelings. His emotions have always been beyond visible but the fact that they saw him run away with Chin-Sun hand in hand... their guts are definite in that Do Yoon doesn't feel much for Ji Ah.

Ha Eun tried her best not to intervene but thankfully Sung-Hoon, Do Yoon, and Jeong Wu came in clutch. Just in time to prevent a cat fight. 

The boys approached their girlfriends, quite differentiating in their deliveries. Sung-Hoon placed a protective hand on the small of Ha Eun's back. He's always been the type to do the tiniest of gestures only because he can't fathom being overly-affectionate. It's not his thing, not for a Tsundere. 

Jeong Wu's arm snaked around Jae Hwa's waist, firmly grasping onto her frame. A smile contorted its way onto Jeong Wu's lips. He's determined enough to give Jae Hwa his unlimited affection that she ever-so-rightfully deserves. He could care less if he comes off rather foolish, he just wants to spread his love. Not even in a weird way.

Do Yoon approached Ji Ah as if he were walking on eggshells. He stood at a rather peculiar, a cordial space within Ji Ah's radar. Anyone would mistake Do Yoon's and Ji Ah's relationship for something so silly as familial.

"So, what were you guys talking about?"

"Oh, you know... how I'm supposedly cheating on you," Jae Hwa earnestly answered.

Ji Ah clutched at her throat, coughing at the wrongness of times. Even Ha Eun was caught off guard by Jae Hwa's brazenness. Amazing, isn't she?

Jeong Wu burst out into a fit of laughter, all smiles as he subconsciously tightened his grip a little. He cutely rested his chin on her shoulder, seeming quite adorable as love itself. He let out a breathy whisper into the shell of her ear, barely inaudible, "Tell me something I don't know."

Jae Hwa felt a shiver run across her spine, tensing at the sudden phrase, she could've sworn he was only joking. "Hahaha... Jeongie! Baby, you're so funny... ah, I'm tearing up, going to the little girls' room."

"Of course! Wouldn't want you soiling yourself... haha!"

Both Ha Eun and Ji Ah took notice of Jae Hwa's cry for help. Especially because they never use the school restrooms unless they needed to break away from trouble or P.E. matters but this situation hit differently.

Now that the girls were out of sight for the meanwhile, the boys stared at their shoes solemnly. 

"... she's definitely cheating on me."

Sung-Hoon playfully nudged Jeong Wu's ribcage. "Now, don't jump to conclusions."

"We've been dating for two years straight. Don't you think I'd know if she were sniffing around some other guy? I eat, sleep, and breathe Hwa... I know something's up." Jeong Wu tried not to crumble right then and there. 

Do Yoon continued to pat Jeong Wu's shoulder. He gave his utmost all to comfort a friend, "If that's the case then I wouldn't dare give up, keep trying to hold onto her. Heck, if Ji Ah is still keeping me in check after the next three years then you definitely have a shot."

"Do you love her?" Sung-Hoon asked, curiosity filling his voice. 

Jeong Wu proclaimed loud and clear, "Of course I love her!"

"Do you love her enough to fight for her?"

Jeong Wu stood tall and proud, "With all of my heart!"

"And even if the effort you put into fighting for her isn't as sufficient as you think... will you be okay enough to move on?"

Jeong Wu peeped out, "Yes... I'll learn to let her go."


THE IRONY o('^`)o

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