CH 33 - Unfulfilled Desires

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Lying in the privacy of his bedroom, his arms steadily coiled around the latter's petite frame. Both ravened haired boys couldn't resist one another, helpless as they caved in to their unforeseen desires. The boy with sculpted features, wide shoulders, and a lengthy figure stared into the other's orbs. The smallest gummy smile spread across his lips, eyes slowly drifting from side to side. 

Dazed, Yoongi whispered blissful sweet-nothings into the crook of Jin's neck. With a soft sigh, Jin pulled him closer as if that was even possible. He could feel Yoongi grinning on his skin when the boy himself kissed his whole collar bone. 

Jin's fingers grasped the back of Yoongi's shirt in excitement, thrilled that they were going for another tussle. A throaty groan escaped Jin once pinned against his bed. Yoongi's eye of the beholder laid there, incapable of taking charge, underneath him. 

"Just kiss me..." Jin softly commanded, not wanting this whole transaction to go away.

Yoongi's lips teasingly hovered over his skin, barely kissing him and leaving him hanging. "Beg."

His eyebrows furrowed, fists curled up in vexation. Jin didn't like playing games, always wanting to win but losing nonetheless. Whining like a four year old, Jin proceeded to pout and act adorable in order to achieve his ultimate goal; Yoongi's unlimited affection. 

"Tell me that you love me," Yoongi ordered, breathless when doing so. Jin stilled at the disposition, almost choking on air itself. After all, love is a strong word. 

Jin eyed Yoongi with worried eyes, afraid that Yoongi had suddenly caught a fever. "You're crazy," Jin rolled his eyes at him, gently pushing at his chest, a minute smile escaping him.

"Totally... was kidding anyway..." Yoongi drifted, hushed enough so that Jin couldn't hear the last part.

Thank God. 

Now both boys sat up, facing each other, criss-cross apple sauce. Silence fled Jin's room, holding nothing but haunting tranquility that frightened the both of them. Once it starts growing quiet, their interests will dissipate. Afraid of that thought becoming reality, Jin quickly shot up from his spot and lunged himself at Yoongi.

His hand hurriedly clasped itself onto the base of Yoongi's neck, his fingers tugging onto the strands he could reach. With rushed movements, Yoongi kissed Jin along the curves of his proportioned lips, swiping his tongue on his bottom lip, begging for entrance.

Jin overflowing with pleasure, gladly parted his lips. His soft whimpers filled the room, his rugged breathing letting Yoongi know he's doing more than well. 

Yoongi floundered, trying to remove Jin's dress-shirt by tragically pulling his shirt forward and having the buttons fly off. Discarding his shirt, Yoongi did the same. The both of them mimicked one another, stopping once feeling contact between skin on skin. It all felt foreign but so good.

Their eyes roamed at each other's torso, Yoongi jealous of his wide toned shoulders and Jin gnawed at his lip solely because his mind allowed various racy thoughts flood his head.

"Please forgive me for being this fucking crude," Jin's orbs elicited quite an aroused spark. The look itself was enough for anyone to go berserk. With a quick nod from the latter, Jin latched his lips onto Yoongi's and wildly made out with him. Kissing him as if he's never done it, as if it were his last. 

Yoongi grunted at the way Jin's hands roamed around his body, that tingling sensation resurfacing a million times over again. The way his left hand massaged the visible side of Yoongi's waistline had his eyes flitting. Proceeding to pin Yoongi against his bed, he propped his right leg in between the other's, nibbling at his tender skin. 

Knock, Knock!

Fuck my life, Both Yoongi and Jin thought.

"Coming!" The boys quickly grabbed their shirts, sliding each limb in. Yoongi acted casual, normal, while Jin reached his door. 

Ji Ah, his mother, chirped, "You should take your little friend home. I promised this event would be a children free zone so, you know what to do." 

Before Jin could close the door on Mrs. Kim, she stopped him rather abruptly. She swiped her thumb against the side of his lip, discarding some random spec. "Cover up those marks you got there, you wouldn't want your dad growing suspicious."

Embarrassed by the sudden reply, he shut his door and locked it. Placing his hand on top of the love marks Yoongi gave him, his eyes bulging out of his sockets. 

"Fuck! My mom knows... this is not good..." Jin blurted out, out of no where. 

Yoongi seriously looked him over, "What do you mean?"

"She basically called me out for the hickeys you just left me! That's it, we're over. She's going to ruin your life Yoongi."

"What-wait-" Yoongi grew worried, rushed over to him and held his shaken hands. 

Jin stared at him, afraid of the forthcoming future. "My mom's a bitch. She'll stop at nothing just to make my life a living hell, if she can't be happy then no one can, all because my dad is in love with somebody else."

"Shit, Jin, I'm so sorry," Yoongi genuinely felt bad for him, he placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. He couldn't imagine how he'd feel if he found out if his dad or his mom loved anyone else but their supposed spouse. 

"Don't be! You couldn't possibly know, neither do I, but, it's not your fault. Nothing ever is."

Yoongi chuckled into the cusp of Jin's hand, flaunting his gummy smile. "Shut the fuck up before I leave fifteen more pieces of art on your-"

"ANYWAYS! I have to take you home now, mom's orders." Jin interrupted, waiting for Yoongi to collect his things. 

As both Jin and Yoongi ran down a colossal of stairs, Yoongi analyzed as much as he could. He's only ever been to Jin's house twice; one being the banquet and the second one being right now. For some reason, Jin's house is always getting touched up for an event of some sort.

They arrived right after school, quite in a hurry to get into Jin's room. For one, Jin didn't want his parents to run into Yoongi and make things more chaotic for them, ruining their relationship before it even started. Second of all, they couldn't wait to get their hands on each other, teenagers am I right.

On their ways to the entryway, Do Yoon happened to stumble upon the sight of them. Surprised, Yoongi lifted a pointed figure and stilled. "You," All he managed to utter. The polaroid pictures coming to view, his brain trying to decipher this newfound information. 

"Me?" Mr. Kim played along, a smug expression uplifting his cunning features. Those boyish characteristics of him seeming everlasting, non-changing, permanent. 

Jin blinked at the two of them, he coughed, "This is my dad... and this is my friend, Min Yoongi."

The two exchanged bows, Yoongi somewhat embarrassed that he made the worst first impression.

"How do you do?" Mr. Kim asked.

"Fine, and you?" Yoongi asked, chill with this mere conversation. 

"Quite pleasant... see, I wish we could keep talking but I got to prepare for this event tonight. Please, excuse me," Mr. Kim bowed once more then left the two stranded out front. 

Jin wiped the non-existent sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand. Yoongi quirked an amused brow at him, unnerved by the fact that Jin was a nervous wreck and completely bothered by something else. 

"Really? I'm not your fucking friend... I'm your damn boyfriend for crying out loud," Yoongi snatched Jin's lonesome hand from his side, his fingers intertwining with his, their palms fusing with one another. 

"Say it ain't so." Jin searched for any lurking eyes then longingly pecked the side of Yoongi's head when all was clear... or so he thought.


soft boy hours got me fucked up

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